The Random Football Debate Thread

Holy fuck, this is who Bayern hired? Can’t wait to see them crash and burn at the first hurdle.

He must have had some massive arguments with Guardiola.

That’ll go well at Bayern, no doubt.

Say what you want about how bad it looks, but you cannot argue with the results…

checks ear piece…oh


“Crazy scene…”, is the world really shocked at this?

It’s football behind the scenes, good morning.

Nobody is “shocked”. It’s just a shite way to speak to people, isn’t it? And evidently, unsuccessful. Football “behind the scenes” resulted in your best friend Kompany relegating a club whose team was perfectly capable of staying up.



Don’t invent things. I said that this is football. Not everywhere and not all the time, but probably much more than a lot of people think. It’s not the Congress of Vienna.

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Looked like he was copying Guardiola to me, a little forced.

I agree its a shite way to talk to someone but I’d caveat that by saying the clip doesn’t show what caused him to explode or their relationship before that.

But screaming at people is the the kind of “old school” management that doesn’t really work anymore, and maybe never did.

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Sorry, can’t get the preview in threads and I fucking hate Musk, but click the link, it’s a classic.

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Easy payoff for Jose. They’ll chase him out of the country before the end of the season.

He would take the England job tomorrow if he was available

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What a fanny. Isnt this primarily about the manager picking someone else to captain the team?

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Guys always been up his own arse.

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To be fair, I’d be pissed off if I were Courtois and Lukaku were appointed captain ahead of me.

Still no reason to throw his toys out of the pram, though.

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i dont know the inside story, but taking a captaincy away from someone isnt a small thing, a leader will lead on the park regardless of the stretchy bit of elastic around his arm, and while that statement may feel like it contradicts my point, it kinda doesnt…stripping the role from someone is a proactive move of demotion…

Sami Hyppia was such a class act all those years ago…


He hadnt been captain previously anyway. Tedesco came in at the beginning of qualifying and had to name a new captain because Hazard had retired and gave it to De Buryne. Kev was not available for the second game so the manager gave it to Lukaku and so he made himself unavailable for the second game in that international window and hasnt played for Belgium since.


yeah right… well thats a bit shit…

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Maybe it’s a way of retiring from international football and getting to blame someone else

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