The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Oh come off it. Some grudges last decades. I heard them mentioning Clive Thomas fucking over Brazil in the 1978 World Cup the other week.

We surely all agree that the decision, process that leads to it are preposterous. Of that there is no doubt.

The compelling question is WHY?
And I know none of us can say for certain why, but the poor/biased/corrupt/incompetent decisions are building up.
And ruining the season.

And every season. The Premier League is largely unwatchable. I only ever bother with our games.


Former South Yorkshire policeman making or reviewing decisions involving Liverpool.

Nothing to see here.



Christ-almighty, that’s mind-boggling. It’s as if they live in an alternate reality where Mac Allister comes in high(!!!) and turns his back to Doku who plays the ball…

The blind, the stupid and the outright corrupt determine with their decisions who wins the title.

The club better be asking some serious questions after this latest fuckery. In fact, we better be pushing to get rid of the PGMOL altogether. Fuck this boys’ club of incompetent, biased cunts. Bring in foreign referees.

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I just don’t get why the VAR dudes are so fucking amped up. Be a professional and be in control.

Second, Howard is a Cunt. The fact he actually says Mac didn’t play the ball and Doku did is wild. So he wants Mac to actually get kicked in the face to get the pen? “Ball is too low to be headed” the fuck it is, both the players jumped to play the ball. Mac did it to protect himself.



Does he realise that we can see the footage as well?

I’ve seen diving headers scored when the guy was 15cm above the pitch…!
No such thing as too low to head a ball

WTF do they speak like that?

I feel like there must be something wrong with my eyes. I clearly see the ball come off Max first, it’s plain as day. I’ve not understood how everyone is somehow seeing it as Doku playing the ball.

I don’t understand how 0 pundits are pointing this out. Am I crazy?

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mad max GIF

Imagine the ball is in the air and they both jump for it. Mac gets to it momentarily before Doku, but Douk then also gets a touch of the ball and in the end they bump into each other. No one thinks that is a foul, and that is what the ref and the VAR are describing - a coming together over a bouncing ball. Which is of course a problem because it is not remotely what happened :joy:

Webb and his PGMOL monkeys are basically gaslighting us now and feel emboldened enough to do it in the most blatant way possible - there have been at least 4 decisions that have gone against us in the last couple of months and they’ve openly lied about what’s happened despite knowing we can actually see what happened with our own fucking eyes.

  1. Odegaard ‘slipped’ causing the ball to strike his hand.
  2. Jota and the Brentford defender engaged in ‘mutual holding’.
  3. Caicedo ‘slipped’ when putting Gravenberch out of the Carabou cup final.
  4. Doku and McAllister ‘both went in high’.

None of those things actually happened. In each instance the cheat VAR described the incident in a totally incorrect way, all to our disadvantage. Corruption in plain sight.


I said it many times in the famous “conspiracy” thread on TIA.
There are people within the Premier League and refereeing network, at decision making levels, who absolutely don’t want Liverpool winning the league.
They’ve tried to be subtle about it over the last few years, but now they’re just full on in your face corrupt to the core fucking us over.

Furthermore, they now just double down on these clearly wrong decisions, knowing that most pundits and presenters will just dance around the issues, petrified of upsetting the applecart which gives them such a privileged way of life.

It’s downright blatant bias/cheating and an obvious agenda to stop us winning the league title.
We only won it in 2020 because we were so far ahead even they couldn’t make enough of a difference.


Surely the fact that football coverage has become nothing but discussing the refereeing controversies argues against the idea that the pundits just go along with bad decisions from refs because their paymasters need them to.

Also how does it explain that the PL has an independent panel evaluating the “key decisions” every week and frequently claim the refs got big decisions incorrect…yet in this case determined it was right.

To me it seems fairly clear that what we have is a situation where no one understands what is a foul and what isnt. The rules and guidance give us a frame work, but the refs have been unable to apply them in a way that we as observers can make sense of or that they can adequately explain. The result is we are each left to try to make sense of the patterns we see by ourselves and all coming to completely different conclusions. This is not just about differences of opinion, but the lack of clarity coming from the powers that be meaning we’re all starting from a different place of understanding. We are approaching the debate on whether something as a foul little differently than a prehistoric person looking seeing lighting and coming up with an explanation for what it is and why it happens

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But supports the idea that they are shit scared of making a big decision in a key part of the game

They know exactly what is a foul and what isn’t.
Pre VAR, some decisions could be explained away as refereeing “errors”.
Now, they’ve got an entire team to help erradicate these “errors”, yet still we’re seeing them on a regular basis.
Trying to explain these “errors” as situations where no-one understands is utter nonsense

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So everyone, regardless of their position, who defended the Doku non-decision is lying and doing so to protect their status within a known corrupt set up, even those whose “status” is completely distinct from the PGMOL or the main TV rights holders?

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The ones that count, yes.
There’s more than a hint that Oliver doesn’t take kindly to being sent to the VAR screen.
There’s also a hint that this could create an environment where the VAR operatives feel subconsciously intimidated towards sticking with his on field decision.
Oliver does work on the side for Abu Dhabi.
Join the dots


What does any of that have to do with, as an example, an ex player on talk sport saying he agrees it was right to not give a pen?

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