The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Perhaps we get him on Saturday but it could be Atkinson with Kavanagh as the VAR just as easily. :rage:

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The 4th official isn’t there to get involved in on-field decisions. I don’t think I’d ever want that. It’s confusing enough with VAR let alone thinking the 4th official might be in the ref’s ear telling him a goal kick is a corner. Officially they are there to keep control of the technical areas and monitor subs etc. but the main purpose of the 4th official as far as I can tell is so the managers can let off some steam at somebody during a game.

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Linesman should have a good view as well.

That’s a good take :rofl:

Maybe, but they clearly aren’t working as a team which is the main reason why VAR is failing for me. Constant passing the buck rather than a shared responsibility with the aim of reaching the right decision.

Again VAR could have said something on the corner that wasn’t but it’s outside their jurisdiction etc.

So many holes in such a poorly implemented system. The foundations are there for it to all work but PL arrogance etc. means it never will.


I think VAR is involved more than enough already so wouldn’t want to extend its use to determining corners. What next, throw-ins, free kicks, possible yellow cards? We’d be playing all night. On the corner incident the linesman surely could have helped out there. I accept Taylor may not have seen it from his angle but the linesman should have had a perfect view.


Yeah I’m not too bothered on VAR intervening on a corner, if we did that we’d be doing it on any marginal offside that’s not flagged that ends up in a corner.

I think the only times it was used yesterday was fine.

It’s not the PL who have decided the VAR protocols. It’s IFAB. It’s very clear that corners are not their responsibility…

Yes, and fair enough but my point here is that all it takes is one of the team to simply say

“hey Anthony, that came off a City player, it’s a corner” Job done but what we get is silence.

Ok, still see above.

If Taylor didn’t see it…
All the more reason he should of asked for confirmation from someone else

I can’t believe we are discussing one single disputed decision after a magnificent game like that…I don’t even remember it but he can’t ask VAR. That is not allowed and otherwise between them, I thought they did really well. Bluemoon definitely doesn’t agree but they hate Taylor anyway…

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In regards to VAR, League and Union both have had it for a long time and it generally works really well.

If those running football had any brains, they would have gone to those who set up and implimented it is League and Union to act as consultants to get it right. Sadly, we have FIFA and UEFA running the game so will always think of how many ways to fuck everything up

Maybe not so much Union, but RL is a very stop-start game. What does VAR rule on in it? Tries and obstructions only? They haven’t introduced it yet for forward passes - which is the equivalent to offside - have they? There was discussion on it at least last year in the NRL but I have no idea if it has been introduced this year.

What does Blue Moon say about the sportswashing of dirty money? Whats their take on the treatment of gay people in Abu Dhabi? How are they on the continued flaunting of financial rules?

But they don’t like Taylor, who handed them a title a couple of years ago…

Don’t know why you constantly read or mention that absolute muck.

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Good that will give us a fighting chance

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We are because while it probably didn’t amount to much we see this week in week out in the PL with officials across all games making a hash of what should be straight forward decisions. Some inevitably lead to crucial moments in games.

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Of course. How could I forget that snide kick out of, was it Robbo’s, leg from behind. He then went on to Taylor about it for a bit, the fucking cunt that he is.

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Looks like the match thread will be yours @Iftikhar I’m not going anywhere near this shit.

Twatkinson with Tierney on VAR…

I wouldn’t mind giving you a breather. But you are on a great run mate.