The Referees or The Twelfth Man

From all the refs only Oliver came out and said he supports a PL club, Newcastle the rest support minor league clubs what a coincidence :yawning_face:

Donā€™t believe it for a second and those Manchester cunts have shown their true colors time after time.

Fuck them.


One of those crap rather than sinister types, I feel the same about Moss though others would point to various dubious decisions.

The thing about Man Utdā€™s reign was David Gill sat on the FA board throughout, thatā€™s the thing that never sat well with me.

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Iā€™m agnostic about it, but it largely eliminates one of the common criticisms of VAR - the on pitch refs tend to be more senior and so the VAR is too unsure of themselves to overrule someone their senior. I genuinely believe a big part of the VAR discourse is based on fake issues and so am generally on board with any moves that chip away at the opportunities to get distracted from the things we actually need to improve and that are problematic.

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People said the same thing about us appointing Parry, whose previous position was Chief Executive and that he would come to Liverpool with too much influence over the people who remained on the board. Shit, I remember celebrating as such. Clearly didnt work that way though.

As for Gill, Utd had still won what? 8 or 9 title in the 15 years or so prior to his appointment. That included several over the club represented by the man he replaced on the board (Arsenalā€™s Dein). Honestly, I think that was just one of those things Rafa flung hoping some of it would stick to the wall, and it seemed only did so with a section of our fans looking for explanations why a much better run and richer club were beating us.

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Parry did not serve on FA board while he was at Liverpool though?
So his ability to exert any control would have been a lot less than Gill or Dein. And that is acknowledging that their presence may not have been as pivotal as suggested.

We lost 3 clowns and we are getting 4 fresh ones.

Tom Bramall is from Sheffield.

Natalie Aspinall is from Bristoll.

Nick Greenhalgh from Bury, can we call that greater Manchester?

Steve Meredith canā€™t find anything about him.

Btw, I see we have lost Friend too, another one I will not miss for a second.

Kevin Friend becomes manager of the Select Group 2 officials, working in the EFL.

Sounds like a demotion for Friend.

Has anyone heard what the ā€˜next big thingā€™ is for this season?

By that I mean what are refs going to come down hard on or completely ignore for one or two matchdays. Like a few years back where ANY tackle from behind was a red card. There were umpteen sendings off for about three weeks then it went back to normal. Or last seasonā€™s ā€˜letting the game flowā€™ when Burnley were allowed to go full ā€˜WWEā€™ on us but again it died a death and free kicks were once again given for players going down at the slightest touch.

The powers that be seem to need to fix things that arenā€™t broken. :nerd_face:

The best big thing would be that we donā€™t have questions about referees.
That would mean competence, equity and professionalism.

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But how will Utd expect to get more than 10 points if the refs arenā€™t allowed to be biased towards them?

Iā€™ve just seen this from an article @mattyhurst posted in the Premier League 22/23 thread.


I hope they stop letting play go on after offside.

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Sadly, the powers that be never capitalized on it when the players started it.

As a number of people said at the time, it is a brilliant starting point, but needs to be followed up which the FA, PL, FIFA UEFA failed to take the next steps to continue to build towards kicking out discrimination and just said ā€˜how look, we have the players taking a kneeā€™ when nothing followed on from it.

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Disagree. In fine margins they should, but when itā€™s a clear offside they shouldnā€™t. As is, I believe, the current practice.

Other than the additional subs, the only meaningful change I am aware of is around offsides when the last touch is from a defender. The rule is supposed to allow for an attacker in an offside position to take advantage of being given the ball by a defending player, but the guidelines IFAB have used to distinguish between a purposeful play (onside) and an inadvertent one (offside) has meant defenders are being punished when they are forced into stretching to make a clearance and donā€™t get it right. They are forced into a play by the presence of a possibly but not for certain offside attacker, but then that touch from the clearance they were forced into attempting plays the attacker onside. It has produced some farcical outcomes.

Those guidelines have now been rewritten to reemphasize that offside attackers are only supposed to be played onside by a purposeful pass. That should eliminate the absurd situation like with Lovren against Spurs a few years ago where he stretched to make a clearance and couldnt get enough on it but there is still vagaries in the guidance meaning weā€™ll still likely see some odd outcomes from it.

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Clear offside and letting play on with all the chances of injuries ā€¦

Stupid rule, get rit of it

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Again, youā€™re not going to get any arguments from me where itā€™s a clear offside.

Where thereā€™s any doubt whatsoever, then play should carry on.

As the rules currently already are.


From the BBC article above

Assistant referees have been instructed to only delay raising their flag for an obvious offside when there is an immediate chance of a goal and very obvious attacking phase and tight onside/offside calls.

Iā€™m not sure how that changes the previous instruction but I hope it results in linos being a bit bolder over raising their flag. Itā€™s one of the most irritating aspects of watching football these days, knowing that youā€™re watching a completely irrelevant passage of play when someone is clearly offside but the flag has not gone up. Also, multi-ball is coming in. I hadnā€™t realised that until today. Supposedly to stop time-wasting by ball boys. I thought they were the least of everyoneā€™s worries when it comes to time-wasting.


Iā€™ve read the italic text 3 times and still donā€™t understand what its saying. How can it be an "obvious offside call: and it be a ā€œtight onside/offside callā€?

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Yes, agree the second part of that sentence doesnā€™t make much sense. Elsewhere Iā€™ve seen it reported as only keeping the flag down when there is an immediate goalscoring opportunity and the call is a tight one. Guess weā€™ll soon find out how itā€™s going to operate.