The Referees or The Twelfth Man

It’s why most fans will think the ref is against them.

One team I tended to agree with more than others was Palace from a rather subjective view but even their fans could appeal for the silly.

I do think refeering a game helps give perspective and I’d recommend most fans to do it.

I have no doubt some refs like Tierney and Attwell have issues with the club but it’s got to the point where you’ll say oh well he isn’t so bad and someone will mention a offside about 4 seasons back.

Mistakes happen some refs are crap, some are incompetent and then there are the likes of Attwell and Tierney.

Subjectively I think the one really poor call last night was for Seville on that pen, it’s a soft pen and I’d not be for giving it but once it was given there is contact and by the rules it’s a pen. I think more of that needs to stay on the pitch same with the offsides that they spend ages drawing lines on, if it’s that close and that hard to judge then stick with the linesman’s decision.

That or bring it the automated system which seems to have worked fine in Serie A. I hope in 5 years never to see someone trying to draw a line on a still image.


It’s a penalty for me.

I say no penalty. If that was City getting a penalty against us I’d be fucking livid at them cheating

I wouldn’t have any qualms of that penalty wasn’t awarded to us in a game. Admittedly, I have come to be conditioned that anything short of second degree murder against one of our players isn’t a penalty, but that is just a chance deflection of the arm as it was by his side.

But how would you feel if that penalty was given against us?

Well, obviously I would feel pretty pissed off about it. There is a tendency amongst some fans to think that every decision is somehow weighted against their team. I think I’m more amongst the majority that want to see some fairness (appropriate response to infringements) and consistency (incidents are dealt with in a similar manner).

There has always been a problem with pundits who give their opinion based on what was accepted when they were a player rather than what the current rules are. This has got worse with the advent of things like Twitter where amateur pundits post stills of screenshots that supposedly support their particular world-view when they clearly have no idea of the current rules and, often, the laws of physics.

What I would like to see is having a current official that could, at least, explain decisions and even say, on occasion, that they got it wrong. As it is, you just get Alan Shearer and his “winning a penalty” mindset.

Reverse camera view of the incident

It’s a 50-50. But on the basis of this camera view, I’d give the penalty. The player sees the ball coming and maintains his arm more or less in the same position, well knowing that it will hit it. Then, when the ball bounces off his arm, he moves it away far more quickly.

I don’t blame Taylor on this occasion, as he hadn’t that view of the incident, but VAR could have given it to be fair. I suppose that the reason they didn’t is that it wasn’t a clear and obvious error from the ref, and even from that angle, it’s not easy to call.

I really really dislike Taylor - but he doesn’t deserve to be abused in a public place when he’s with his family.

Mourinho has gone about to systematically absolve his team of blame for their rubbish showing in the Final and are pinning it all on the refereeing. As a result the fans have lot their minds. Reminds me a bit of Trump and the Capitol Hill riots.

Jose doing his typical us against them approach - it’s kind of boring. I don’t watch much Italian Footy, but from what I’ve read, Jose’s whole bench has spent the season remonstrating with refs at every possible moment, picking up yellows cards here there and everywhere - childish.

What I find contentious with referees like Taylor, Oliver, Tierney etc… is that they tend to interpret the rule book in accordance with their own belief, that they are untouchable once they call the decision. Whether that decision was right or wrong seems immaterial to them.
If that ‘handball’ incident occurred in the first half of the match, instead of the 80th minute or whatever it was… IMO, Taylor would have given it as a penalty…
Emotions and pressure are a huge part of the game, we only have to remember Jurgen and his £75k fine to see this… These are exactly the same emotions and pressures Taylor would have experienced in the 80th minute… he is not a robot, none of them are…
Maureen had other options than confront Taylor in the car park, but he wouldn’t be Maureen if he didn’t behave like some ringmaster in a circus… What he has done though, is call out the real facts of the matter… referees wield tooooo much power in the modern game of today… corrupt or biased ones, even more so

I think the slow mo’s make it look as if it’s a calculated decision (to let the ball bounce of him) - but I don’t think it is. In real time, its surely all too fast. The player is moving too so depending on how his body is moving as he shifts his weight, will change the motion of the arms.

If a players arm is by their side (in a natural position), they don’t even need to attempt to move their arms out of the way - and it’s instinct that makes players pull arms out of the way.

I don’t think that’s a penno - soft one if given.


Var can’t give a penalty…can only recommend the ref have another look.

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To me that defender is more or less static on the spot without any forward or sideways momentum, although he is jumping up and down, like some goalkeeper facing a spot kick… Looking at the position of his arms… and he knows full well the ball might be getting crossed into the box… he looks as though he is about to draw a couple of pistols from their holster in a shoot out at dawn in Dodge City… I’m with Maureen. penalty kick should have been awarded

His arms in a natural position, what is unnatural is when they put them behind their back, pisses me right off when I see ours players doing that grrrrrr

As I said, it’s very much a 50-50. I don’t like the way Taylor refs our games, but on this occasion, it could really have gone both ways and it’s harsh to blame him.

And @Rambler is right, VAR can’t overturn it.

I agree, they are in a natural position, but he couldn’t have slipped his hands into his jeans pocket from there though… they are about 8inches away from his hips… If he walked down the street like that, you could be mistaken for thinking he was looking for a fight…
Anyway, It is Taylor we are talking about here, so NO way in this lifetime or the next, would I ever give him the benefit of the doubt :0)

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English referee’s aren’t stupid, they play a clever game & I believe they intentionally wind up managers/players they know are vulnerable emotionally and they play on it, people telling them their shit referee’s and fucking the game up is minimal collateral to them, they’d happily take that so long as it generates a story and they get their little fame in the media.

They must know the stick they get every week, they see it every week in stadiums when they’re walking back to their dressing room at HT and FT and you have tens of fans surrounding the tunnel barking abuse at them, they love it. They’re sat at home reading about it with a huge smile on their face reading the outburst over social media, they love it.

Football isn’t really about football anymore, it’s about “sending the right message”, and “making sure people know you can’t do this you can’t do that”, “can’t stand in the way of authority”, the games done, wrap it up.

Slow-mo is only really any use in determining things like who touched a ball first. Outside of that it’s all out of context.


This x 10,000 :wink:


No excuses for this kind of behaviour, attacking the man and his family in an airport. Amazed UEFA didn’t arrange some kind of more discreet arrival.

Some wild responses to that tweet by the way.