The Referees or The Twelfth Man

I suspect football refereeing would be something AI would be quite good at. The bloke on the pitch would just be relaying a feed: computer says no…

Not sure what we would bitch about when AI gets it wrong.

british comedy GIF

Once more.
With feeling…

Its not about a gigantic conspiracy against Liverpool.

Its about the obvious biases by some officials. With incidences to support the argument.
Its truly reductive and trite to counter a belief with a grandiose sweeping statement.


Do you have data to support this hello?
And is that data robust and peer reviewed and has its rigour been tested enough.
Or is it just a hello that you witnessed??

Both stances can coexist.
Most refs are shit at their jobs, at the level they are operating. And I disagreed with your level of subjectivity in decisions, but incompetent people cannot understand objectivity.

Bias also exists.


How many of the refs do you think are biased against Liverpool? Genuine question.

Tierney is a given, and I think that might be due to hating Klopp, and being shit

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Webb was…
Don’t like him being the boss. Its not good for Liverpool.


Off the top of my head

Add Atwell to that.


I wonder if having former professional players as refs would result in more or less bias?

I think a former player would not have given that red against Macca.

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Could bring in referees/former players from Europe

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When an issue is so obvious that even Stewart Robson can talk sense about it


Thing is you’d have to go pretty low to find someone who want to do it.

Suppose you could start implementing them in VAR and pay them the level of a pundit.

You wouldn’t get them running around a pitch on a Saturday unless your a league 2 guy or something.

That’s the sort of level I’m thinking of. Obviously no-one who’s made a career in the Prem or the Championship would consider being a full-time ref as a post-playing career. But someone in the the lower divisions who isn’t making much money and is looking for something football related after his playing days are over might see it as a way keeping a football-related career going well into his forties.

Even if they’re from the lower divisions, they would still understand the reality of what happens on the pitch much better than someone who has never played the game professionally.

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You’ve got to get them at the youth level. With all the focus on clubs ensuring there is a focus on a post-football career for the kids who dont make it, you’d think including refereeing in that bucket would be attractive for all parties. There is a large cohort of players every year between the ages of 16-18 who find themselves at a dead end. If you get only a couple of % of those kids you’ve got enough to do something meaningful.


Have to watch our game on my smartphone so not able to participate in the match thread.

What’s our take on Virgil’s red?

Think very harsh because Isak was moving away from goal.

Any other team in the league, it’s a yellow card.


Was about to post this word for word.


Did anyone expect him to overturn the red card?

Didn’t Atwell make a contentious decision 24 hours ago related to last man back? Forest reportedly will go to PGMOL for a please explain. And here we are 24 hours later with Atwell VARing the same sort of decision.

Not really the sort of ref with clouded judgement that should be sitting on VAR today.

Bring in the robots.

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My thoughts are with Howard Webb at this difficult time.

Can’t wait to see which corrupt cunt we get next week.


Well it will be a corrupt or inept cnut so might as well enjoy what we get in the league cup or Europa League draws instead.