The Referees or The Twelfth Man

You saw it before it was deleted? Probably Webb and the FA reporting the post and all others like it.

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I saw it.


Who is JB?

Obviously the ref disagrees but isn’t the point to air our own opinions?

In Germany not rarely the referees do post match interviews.

Explaining important decisions and sometimes apologizing when they were wrong.

Hate them. Like them. But it shows that they are human individuals.

Would never be possible in the PL because the cunts hiding behind the whole body.


John Bradley…just felt like calling him JB on this occassion :stuck_out_tongue: , guy who does LFCTV commentary every now and then.

Tweeted he was in favour of scrapping PGMOL nevermind VAR.

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Well yeah the real issue here seems to be the PGMOL.

VAR is being criticised to deflect blame from who is really the issue and have been for a good few years.


If ever further evidence was required that the footballing authorities don’t want Liverpool competing for and winning domestic titles, todays blatantly corrupt display of officiating is all that is needed.
No-one will convince me otherwise.
Disgusting display of downright corrupt bias against us today.


He didn’t, he gave a yellow. He only upgraded it to red when VAR presented him with carefully edited highlights.


It all needs to go and the laws need to be changed so these crop of referee’s can understand them…in it’s simplest form.

A ref must have about 5 different rules in his head to clear before making a decision and they’re over thinking each 1, what chance do they have?

If it looks like a pen, it’s probably because it is a pen…if it looks like a red card, it’s probably because it is a red card, if it doesn’t look offside (like today, clear for everyone to see without VAR or any replay) then guess what? It probably means it isn’t offside.

Laws. Get them changed.

So far this season there have been 16 red cards. Liverpool have 4 !!

That’s 25% of the entire league combined. We have gone from 5 red cards in 6 years, to 4 in 7 games.

I don’t like to go into conspiracies but it’s fucking ridiculous. Ever since Robbo had the audacity to get elbowed in the face (where refs closed ranks to protect Hatzidakis) we have been shafted.

All either harsh or simply plain wrong.


The ref never got all of the angles on his screen that were shown on the telly before he made his decision to overturn the yellow. When he walked to the screen it was ‘freeze framedd’ on the point of impact. He should go to a blank screen and ask for different angles. :nerd_face:


I think there is a lot of merit to the idea that the mental workflow they’re required to go through has become too complicated. It’s the result of modifying the rules year after year after in a way that always adds complication snd never simplifies


If the ref gives Curtis red straightaway I’m fine with that. If that would have been on our player we all would want the opponent to be send off.

Yellow card. They sent him to the monitor and show him the worst possible picture.

If a lad who wears specs and is three pints into a session watching on a screen 20 feet away (me) can see straight away by the lines mowed into the pitch that Diaz was onside but the (sober) officials can’t? Then why are they there?

Sorry aboutthe punctuation or lack of in the first sentence. But as I said, I was three pints into a sesh when the offside occured. Hic tec. :beers::nerd_face:


The issue with that is you can’t just change the laws mid season, plus it goes far beyond just the laws.

There is no accountability for pgmol and refs when they fuck up. Maybe they get dropped for a week or 2, but nothing beyond. If Refs fuck up, they need to know there is a chance that they could be dropped permanantly.

Hopefully Klopp keeps this appology and pgmol statement as an ace up his sleeve for the next time the P/L or the refs decide to go after us. Or even better would be for FSG to use it to go nuclear and rip the match officials structure into millions of pieces, but that would probably be something best done at the end of the season.

Personally the quickest changes that can be made which could be done mid season are to have the refs front up for media interviews after games. Managers and players have to, so the refs should as well. The refs and VAR are already miked up to communicate with each other, so why not do similar to Rugby and patch them into the stadium pa, so everyone can hear the discussions - I doubt that pmgol would go for that as it would show everyone that the refs really don’t know what they are doing. Lastly, I would not allow the media to speak to the managers straight after games, but instead give both managers a chance to talk to refs after a game to clarify decisions and ask any questions they have. Once these discussions have taken place, then the media can talk to managers and the managers would be in a position to better answer and articulate their answers regarding reffing performances as they have been able to find out what the refs were thinking at the time of making decisions during a game.

Isn’t the onus on the onfield ref to request this….whether he did so or not we’ll probably never know, but he has the final say and the power to request this info before making that call….he needs to be confident he’s come to the right decision so for me he needs to be the 1 initiating.

Would it have changed the outcome? No.

and who would replace the dropped referee?

an even more imcompetant referee?

a referee with limited experience?

The integrity of the game has become broken as rules are not applied consistently.

In no other league in the world could a club act like city, with so many accounts of wrong doing and not get punished in a timely manner. A ten year old with a calculator knows their finances don’t add up.

We persist with a technology VAR which clearly is not fit for purpose. Bringing it in brought a number of disadvantages (celebrating goals to being slow) yet it has failed to bring the supposed advantages. The richest league in world can’t automate. Fuck off.

Referees are the filling in the shit sandwich. When you are so bad at your job people are not sure if you are incompetent or corrupt you have a huge problem. The PGMOL, are like a police union in the US. Closing ranks. Not doing what’s right, but what protects themselves. Quick to come down hard for anyone that questions their authority. Yet no consequences for their actions. (See Robbo elbow as an example).

