The Referees or The Twelfth Man

A referee from another country?

Seriously. I watch a lot of Bundesliga and they do occasionally make mistakes but you don’t see the wholesale shambles that is in most Premier League games.

In fairness, I generally only watch our PL games because it’s mostly crap, but on the odd occasion I watch other games it’s all the same. It doesn’t look like human error, it looks like a betting scam.


Football now has the terrible issue of the football has become secondary in the after match analysis its what is the latest Ref/VAR cock up.


a referee from Scotland would do,

they are never biased,

specially Hugh Dallas! :wink:

I’ve already forgotten most of the game.

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Do we fans have a responsibility to speak on behalf of the club? Could we set up some sort of gofundme and have 100 banners created which can be held up all around Anfield all related to the bent refs?

Klopp is completely hamstrung in what he can say publicans, behind closed doors clearly there will be some very heated correspondence, but the main issue is that when this gets sorted behind closed doors, there is no heat on the refs to be fair the next time out. They are just getting away with it

I realise it would just make us a laughing stock with rival fans, but we really need the media latching onto this who have a chance to share what’s going on with the neutrals that aren’t blindly anti-Liverpool.

There are very few neutrals in football so sadly I don’t think it’s worth it however the powers that he could have a bit of sway in the various meetings.

That’s two games now that Hooper and VAR have officiated that could have ramifications (Wolves aren’t safe at all bar even todays result, Man Utd as shite as they are could benefit from that decision) this one could be major in a title or top four race.


I think our owners need to contacting a few other clubs to start the process of declaring no confidence in PGMOL. There are baffling decisions every single week.


The problem Alpha Webb has… (stole that moniker from someone else on here btw, because it describes him to a tee)… the problem he has, and this goes back to how shit at his job Mike Riley was… the referee pool is too small. This means it is impractical to take action against, even though most of them are shit/corrupt/cheats… for he has NO-ONE in position to replace them with…!!

The time has come to referee the games from the side-lines is what I say… via a minimum of 3no. adjudicators, so the odd number brings about a majority decision. Let these judges relay their ruling to the numpty still running about the pitch with the whistle.

Done like this, ex-players/managers, even fat bastards that can only manage a waddle; but know the game inside out; can be put on the panel… why they can even smoke a big fat cigar while they are watching the match if they so choose… At least then, any fuck-ups, bias or cheating can be removed immediately by bringing in those next in-line, for what could be a lucrative, cushy part-time role… Think Lawro, or Souness, or Thompson… These guys know the game… Put them into a position where they can contribute

Nothing will be done about this kind of incompetence if high profile figures don’t say it how it really is.
I found the comments from Klopp quite disappointing, where he admitted he couldn’t/wouldn’t speak his mind for fear of his bank balance reducing.
Not really what we want to be hearing from him.

I’ve wrote Alpha Cunt :sweat_smile:

Howard Webb is a massive problem. He was a police officer in the South Yorkshire constabulary at the time of Hillsborough and someone thought it would be a good idea to put him in charge of referees. Even if Webb was not involved in the damage that organisation did to football in the late eighties and early nineties, the optics on that appointment are terrible. It should not have happened.

But it demonstrates the thinking that pervades PGMOL and the authorities of the game in general. It’s thinking done with any care, no suggestion of accountability, and a presumption that they can do as they wish.

Everyone goes on about the rugby. Look at how the players respect the ref. Look at how they don’t answer back. Look at how genial it all is.

Yes, but what is never mentioned is how the referees also respect the players. They explain their decisions. They engage. They talk. They earn respect through competence. They don’t just demand it with authoritarian dictat.

That mutual respect isn’t there in football because the players fucking hate that prick with the whistle. And why shouldn’t they? They are making wild decisions all over the place and if you ask what is going on, you get waved away with a dismissive look of contempt like your a turd they are trying to flush away.

It needs root and branching. And I think the start of that is clubs putting their heads over the parapet and declaring they have no confidence in PGMOL. That would stir things up. These fucking twats are on a gravy train. Nobody is paying their entrance fee, or their subscription, to watch the referee. They are on 200k a year salaries because of the players, and those players hate them. It’s time to let them know how precarious their positions are.


They should add an AR (apologies recieved) category on the league table, given the rate they’re handing them out.


What do you want to hear from him he hasn’t already said a million times before exactly? Besides nothing can be said to help the situation, it’s done and dusted. Irreversible.

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I’ve told you a million times, don’t exaggerate.
What I don’t want to hear from him are comments about being fined if he speaks his mind.

If you think it’s a red card then Jürgen thinks you’ve never played football :wink:

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The problem I have with it is that if they are defining a boot to high shin with force, after the foot rolls of the ball, are they going to consistently call that?

The reality is that they 100% will not call it like that.

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As I’ve said at Grassroots is the issue, all it results in is the terminally up their arse lot that graduate to the very top.

Bit like the Conservative Party.

One lad on the sideline kept doing VAR signals so I went over and said “it was VAR or the drainage system for the pitch, the club thought drainage was better idea”

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As a referee Webb was the worst for us and we probably wouldn’t be talking about agendas against us if it wasn’t for him in the first place.

Showed that he was all about the money when he quit as a referee at the young age of 43 and went to Saudi.

We still had problems with refs in the last decade but things got worse and more frequent since Webb is in charge. Coincidence?


Webb must have been too focused on our game as he forgot to get time added on at Old Trafford, then again maybe he’s written that off as a lost cause.

Refs since the old codgers in the 90s have always been a bit dubious, the thing is we seem to have increasingly lost the useless ones and now seem left with the snide lot.

If I was Liverpool I would ask for none of those involved today to be involved in any of our games again and I would make it clear it that continued then they would raise the issue and potentially take legal action.