The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Oh and I am convinced now that the timing of screwing us today was handpicked.

Next PL match at Anfield will be in three weeks. Things will be ‘forgotten’ by then. Referee won’t be targeted as much.

Imagine if their would have been a PL match at Anfield in the coming days…

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none of which were actually deserved.

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We were the team who had the best fair play awards for years. We have gone from 4 red cards in the last 5 years to 4card in the last 7 games.

Best league in the world, run by corrupt PGMOL pretending to be stupid.


There is reasoning about the VVD one, the others nah.

Jota’s two challenges are barely a yellow for one
Maca was adjudged by the panel to be a fuck up
Jones I can see why but it probably isn’t, probably told him to stay with his decision and thought he had sent Jones off :joy:

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This is interesting!

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Howard Webb needs to step down. The number of apologies dished out for this season and last season is enough for him to get replaced.

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How does a fucking sorry really help ?

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I am not sure if it will work, but I am getting some wierd ideas. Can the PL clubs join hands and help players (who can’t make a career in football) to do the necessary to qualify as a referee? Just like how clubs help players getting their coaching badges?

I remember sweeting mentioning that many players are left without a club at the end of every season. I think a fair chunk of them find new profession. Why not referee a match on the weekend while continuing your new profession.

The point being, I just wish the game is refereed by people who have played the game themselves. Rather than those who have just read the rulebook.

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A potential problem with that is that the new referees might favour their former clubs, although a rule ensuring that they cannot take charge of games involving those teams might be implemented.


Easiest way to do it is swap the referees around with refs from different countries.

Ensure that every gameweek for the top leagues , you have different nationality refs doing the games

I’ll pity the teams who do get English refs but that’s a valid way forward.


Agreed. But the counter point would be that everyone knows which club he played for. Being a player himself, I would assume he will try to be utmost neutral.

Throw in the stats about Mo not being awarded fouls, the dearth of penalties we are awarded compared to our touches in our opponents’ penalty areas and the number of incorrect red cards we’re given, and it is difficult to conclude anything other than that there is a conspiracy against us.

I’m afraid that anyone who cannot see it is living in denial.

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Well, you haven’t grasped it then.
Curtis didn’t go studs in high.
His foot rolled over the ball.
Its barely a yellow card offence.


Makes you wonder what decision would now be taken if that was the last game of the season… and we needed just a point to secure winning the PL… Would an apology only suffice then…?? We have to view this match as though it was the last match of the season, for that is what will bring real context to the ramifications of yesterdays officiating shitshow


The situation would be a lot like Carragher when hes commentating on our games. He tries so hard not to seem biased comes out with some very strange takes because of it. I think you would get the same if ex-players joined ref ranks former clubs wouldn’t get anything.

Turns out the ones bringing disrepute to the games are not the managers or players, it is the referees themselves.

There are literally 5 pairs of eyes in this match to check Diaz’s offside and none of them managed to do the right thing.


What is the reasoning behind having only British referees?
There are players from all over the world, so why not officials?
Prerequisite would be a decent level of English.


I have been saying this for a while now.

PL has tried (and succeeded) in making a global product. There are foreign owners, players, managers, and coaching & other staff. I’m sure there are foreign nationals working in marketing, accounting, and other areas too.