The Referees or The Twelfth Man

For me there is massive differences in Jones and Gustos red, Gusto left his feet and is what some term out of control, whereas Jones is on his feet, Gusto also followed through with his tackle, whereas Joneses contact was caused through his contact on the ball with no intent to follow through.

But hey ho, the authorities feel the only consideration is excessive force is because of how the ankle bent, we all see great tackles where excessive force is used beautifully, with rightly no foul or card given, the refereeing/game authorities are ruining the game as they donā€™t have a clue about the ā€˜footballingā€™ side of the game and challenging for the ball,

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He could have slid through the ball without that kind of kicking following through action

You missed out Newcastle

smackdown live what GIF by WWE

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Just watched it now.

Fuck the media and the pundits for not asking the right questions.

Again, nothing but football love for Goldbridge. Iā€™m afraid they will shut him down soon.

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Same here, the handball one is a load of tosh, saying that it was unnatural, you see the arm in that position loads of times when a player lunges to stop or block a cross.

I am at a total loss on the handball rule.

Owen is such a weak presenter, they need someone with mongrel in them to challenge what Webb is saying, also he is an attacker what does he know about tackling :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Goldbridge ā€œbordering on propagandaā€ hit the nail on the head with regards to how it is ran and how weak Owen is.

Overall an excellent approach from Goldbridge in his approach to the injustices seen and his view of the refs and VAR.

It appears that Michael Oliver has too much power and VAR wonā€™t question his onfield decisions

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I canā€™t listen to 16min of Goldbridge (even if heā€™s right) but his points are solid.

Owen is too much of a pushover to sit there with Webb and challenge him on these decisions

where is Souness, or Keane, or Ian Wright, or Henry, or any other former player with half a brain.

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I think Souness or Keane, wouldā€™ve been perfect to interview Webb.

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We have a catch 22 situation with Alpha Thicko Webbā€¦ You are right, Souness or Keane would be ideal to put him through the wringer and expose him for the bull-shitter, and highlight the cowardly manner he protects his own persona, above the integrity of the gameā€¦ thing is, Alpha Thicko Webb appears before Owen, because that guy is easy to manipulate, and a lot easier to direct away from being subjected to any risk of interrogation.

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His statements are largely just post hoc rationalisation but there is no consistency between incidents in the same game, let alone between matches.

I reckon he chose who would be with him in order to appear

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Goldbridge appears to be a lone voice in this. And itā€™s only highlighted how PGMOL get away with this level of corruption/incompetence.

The problem is tribalism. To me itā€™s staggering how fans of other clubs have turned on Liverpool over this. As if weā€™ve contested something as commonplace as a bad decision? Itā€™s ridiculous.

Fucking whining scousers. Yes VAR ruled it a legitimate goal, but through a mix of incompetence and bowing to protocol, contrived to deny them the goal, and changed the likely outcome of the match. But three years ago, I remember Liverpool should have had a player sent off against us but the referee thought it was a yellow.

Liverpool have put their heads above the parapet on this. Although itā€™s gone quiet now, I hope it isnā€™t the end of it. But I really doubt anything will change as long as football fans are as up their own arses as they are. Goldbridge is one of the few who has correctly said that itā€™s about football, not Liverpool.


Owen really reminds me of Peter Oā€™Hanraha-hanrahan. He has the interrogative power of a wet flannel.

Alternatively - Yes VAR ruined a legitimate goal, but what about the time we had a perfectly legitimate penalty called against us and VAR did not overturn it. See, we can be mad about decisions we dont like as well.

Confused The Point GIF by Travis

I really appreciate being told to ā€˜get over itā€™ by Spurs fans, whilst simultaneously being told it wasnā€™t fair that Liverpool got penalty in a European Cup final five years ago.


Yeah, but it was never a penalty
It was
Yeah, but it was so bad they changed the rule the next year so that offense wouldnt have counted anymore
So the ref was right to give the penalty?
No, but, you seeā€¦
And that was not the rule change. That would still be a penalty in UEFA competition todat and probably in the prem as well
Fucking Scousers, always moaning.

Iā€™m surprised the slimey fucker came out from behind his desk to be honest but holy shit heā€™s done exactly as expected. ā€œNothing to see, all good, no change needed, we are perfect.ā€

And Owen? Well Sky are balls deep in this with the PGMOL. Iā€™m not surprised they just let Webb sit on his little pedestal and spout bullshit.

Personally in my mind none of this gets resolved until the PGMOL is torn open, are made accountable and the current crop of so called referees are long gone and offiating nothing more than tiddlywinks. I honestly hope we donā€™t just let this lie.


I am not actually shocked at the Jones red. Watching it live it looked a yellow, when the ref got called to the screen, I thought it looked nasty (yes freeze frame is a shit way of presenting the challenge), but itā€™s hard to look at that and think thereā€™s absolutely no chance itā€™s a red.

Itā€™s clear Jones never meant for contact like that to happen, so in effect this sort of challenge could happen to the nicest player on the pitch. But the point is you can still see red even when there is no intent and luck conspires against you.

However, every football watcher should be fuming seeing these two red card tackles and also Kovacic still running around after what he did in the same week. That is frankly disgusting. I am at a point where I actually wished City won and we were an extra 3 points behind so that City-boy Arteta and the rest of Arsenal would be forced to challenge it. Unfortunately without them seeing a great injustice in it, the outrage by everyone else is meaningless. PGMOL just wonā€™t take action.

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And after the Pen you created fuck all for 70minutes, until Big Div finished you off and you lost 2-0.