The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Fuck… Hope Darwin doesn’t take a liking to her hairstyle :0)

Two interesting new rules being introduced in MLS next year to address time wasting.

Subs will only have 10 seconds to get off the pitch otherwise the game will be restarted and replacement will have to wait an additional minute to come on.

The other is about forcing players seeking injury treatment to leave the field for 2 mins. There are exceptions for injuries caused by yellow or red card offense, but the other is that anyone who stays down for 15 seconds will be forced to leave the field and remain off for 2 mins.


In many cases that gives the offender an advantage. Presume it doesn’t include keepers though.


I foul someone and they end up going off for 2 minutes? Seems a bit unfair…

I think the ability to foul someone badly enough that they are forced to stay down hurt, but do it in a way that avoids a yellow card may theoretically be something a pro can calibrate, but practically is not a line you can expect players to be able to ride.

Hmm not sure. You see loads of fouls that posters and pundits say…that should have been a yellow card. Be interesting to see how it works out. I am all for experiments like this though…

Will the sub technically still be on the field though when play restarts

I wouldnt have thought so

So effectively they delay until he is off but if that doesn’t happen in 10 seconds then the player is delayed for a minute.

Sounds good in theory but I’ll wait to see how it goes, it does fall into cramming more into the refs head. Though the 4th official could technically do it.

More unworkable changes easily manipulated to gain an advantage.
Hope they dont reach our shores.

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A man stopped on the train and said thank you because your example has made the experience of grass roots refereeing improve this year.

Yeah, I like to tell stories about things that absolutely never happened as well.


and then everyone stood up and applauded.

It’s true, I was the train carriage.

Surprised nothing has been made of the near assault on Diaz in the goalmouth scramble which ended up being a corner after Nunez made his statue impression.
Clearly take out by 2 players after the ball had gone.

Anywhere else on the pitch and that’s a foul and probably a yellow card.

Referees these days are so bad, and ex referees so fucking smug explaining to us why something was/wasn’t given.


For whatever reason, late challenges on someone trying to score are not considered fouls by the powers that be as long as the forward has been able to get their shot off unimpeded. This is not a michael oliver missed it thing, but a “the refs have decided the rules are applied very diferently in this situation” sort of thing.

I know all that.
Still wrong though, a foul is a foul.

Your initial point was that you were surprised nothing was made of it? Why would you be if you acknowledge these are almost never given as pens and few in the game seem to think that is a problem (i.e. when they happen and are not given they are viewed as controversial)?

I have seen them given and maybe a lot aren’t given due to the ball going directly out of play from the shot and before the foul is committed.

Just because a blind eye is turned doesn’t mean it is right, it was a late challenge, with the rules of the game being broken and therefore with the ball still being in play a penalty should have been awarded.