The Room 101 thread

Got to get onto antibiotics, I automedicalised as the doctors wouldn’t recognise it. I used dioxycycline (as it’s cheap and works many antibiotics like macrolides don’t work at all and penicilline there’s problems with keeping the concentration up), I started on 100mg/day 3 months, then 100mg 2 times a day 9 months, 100mg 3 times a day 3 months and finished on 100mg 4 times a day. You need to increase the dosage to increase the concentration so that it gets into the brain (at 400mg a day I could feel that something was happening to my brain).
In hospital they use penicilline at very high doses via IV I wouldn’t recommend that at home as the patient would surely suffer a Jarisch–Herxheimer Reaction essentially the symptoms are due to the toxins the bacteria release when the antibiotic kills the bacteria all the toxins are released at once multiplying the symptoms.
Minocycline is perhaps better than Dioxycycline as it has better absorbtion and longer 1/2 life but costs a lot more. However you would not go above 200 mg/jour as due to the very long halflife concentrations rise more efficiently.
I wanted take the antibiotic for 2 years but was forced to stop after 18 months as my supply dried up (here I need a prescription for antibiotics so they got stopped at the douanes (duty?).

There are so many symptoms which also vary depending on which specific bacteria is involved, in europe there’s 6 variant (at least) less in North america and Africa however the symptoms of the common African variant causes extreme visuel symptoms like complete loss of muscle controll.
My 'worst symptoms were the rhumatoid arthritis it hurt in even joint just walking (so I rode a bike), dilated heart so bradycardia (30 beats per minute at rest) myocardia and stroke like attacks which caused blindness for a few days (temperary ceribrale attack?). Also it affects how and who you are I became very aggressive at times mad, couldn’t remember what I was doing My daughter took up the household chores progressively as it got worst (she was 8 when it started).

It’s a real fucking bitch so if the doctors aren’t treating it correctly those involved must fight to get it treated or just automedicalise like i did in the end (I waited hoping the doctors would grasp on far to long).

It is important to realise lyme desease affects the way the brain functions and many who have it really have problems telling what they are or have gone through (they litterally don’t know if things are real or not). I think doctors often interprete this lack of clarity as hypercondria, if someone with Lyme desease (and even afterbeing cured) tells you what they suffered you can probably multiply that by at least 5 times).

I suffer from Reactive Arthritis throughout my body due to the aftermath of a Helicobacter bug I picked up in 1997. I went from being a fully fit, sports playing Reservist (one of the fittest in my unit). To being bedridden in about three weeks. It took me years of trying different cocktails of meds before it got manageable. I can empathise with your loss of confidence. :nerd_face:


Damn those first world hardhips.

Get well soon Flobs

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knee slide celebrations after scoring a goal. It bugs me, a lot. I don’t know why.


How are you doing mate?


Still limping however I can walk without crutches get in and out of the bath. Quite happy with how things are going. Never had any problem sleeping which I was really happy about. S I just have to be careful not to over exert, btw I use the crutches if I go out otherwise people bump into me and those sudden reflex movements can hurt and give me a fright. (Goes to show how much happens that you just skip round easily when in better form.


best of luck Flobs


I’m really angry today. Best friend of my ex’s husband, was a lovely guy, really friendly and a very good musician. Killed riding his motobike by an idiot who ‘chose’ to overtake a lorry. Fucking lock these fuckers up for ever, please!
My ex’s husband was riding with him saw the horror unfold and tried what he could to save his best friend who died as they put him in the helicopter to be shipped to hospital.
My poor ex had to inform the guys disabled wife.
Really shocking.
I don’t know what’s coming over the world but the incivilities on the road are multiplying by the day. I hardly go out yet the number of times I have to make and avoidance manoever is becoming more than exasperating. Last one was a dick in a 206 who lost control on a roundabout ending up bearing right down on me as I approached said roundabout. I mean how the fuck do you lose the back end of a 206 (only way that comes to mind is ramming on the hand break whilst/after accelerating).
Not in a good mood!


sorry to hear that…


On the way home from some shopping before, have to make a right turn onto our estate from the main road.
The junction is regulated by traffic lights. I slowed down so as not to tail-end the car in front which was also turning right, this seemed to irritate the moron in the car behind me who shouted “Gobshite!” at me through his/her open window (I’m genuinely unsure of the gender) as they passed me on the inside attempting to beat the lights.
Incredible really. Being verbally abused for simply being on the road. Good job for him/her they got through the lights because I was ready to give them a jolly good piece of my mind.


In 5 minutes of driving I say more than i do for a week (mainly cursing and swearing but also lots of advice to other drivers :rofl:) It’s embarrassing when I make a mistake and ‘have’ to apologise to other drivers.
I do refrain from shouting out the window though (even if it is open) just mumbling and grumbling to myself like a mad man.
Here in France the worst is people cutting corners and others that go to overtake you after a roundabout (I mean what is that? Yes you fool I’m accelerating as well after exiting a roundabout but in a controlled manner, I could out sprint you any day of the week on a circuit and no I’m not driving slowly I’m going at ‘normal’ speeds). Oh! and fuckwits looking for something they dropped under their seat and are coming straight at you on the wrong side of the road. Thankfully I have a very loud horn! :wink:

The Neanderthal toilet roll hoarding fuckwits in this country who are now loading up their cars with jerry cans and rinsing the petrol stations dry.

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Goodison FUCKING Park, sat outside with 0 range diesel when they shut the road for 30 mins to let the buggers out. Then hateful traffic!!!


Womens football.

No, not like that. I have nothing against it as a sport, have even enjoyed some World Cup matches in the past.

My problem with it is the coverage given to it on the BBC football website. Now obviously it should be given coverage, but there has always been a hierarchy in place in the website, for better or worse, the more popular leagues and teams get higher priority, higher up the page etc.

Now if we’re honest, in this country womens football is not of interest to most people, and yet seems to have bypassed the hierarchy to feature often as the top stories. And since most teams have the same names as the mens teams, it’s not always apparent if the story is about the mens team or the womens team.

I’m not being sexist, if people care about it they will click an extra button to get to a womens football section, but if people don’t care about it, they won’t click on it even if it’s clogging up the front page.

This is just my opinion.


I’m not going to beat about the bush.

It’s fucking shite and I don’t know one single person who has the slightest interest in it.

It’s like everything else now in this shithole, backwards country. It gets rammed down your throat in the never-ending pursuit of inclusivity so various organisations wont be accused of any of the countless ‘ism’s’ that are bandied about by the fucking lunatic PC wankers we all have to endure on a daily basis.

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my daughter likes it, and so do i. so theres 2.


As I don’t believe I know you personally my point still stands. :stuck_out_tongue:

I quite enjoy watching women’s soccer. Think they’ve come leaps and bounds forwards in their athletic ability and tactics compared to 20yrs ago. And really, what’s not to like about watching an athletic woman scoring a penalty and ripping her shirt off in front of 60,000 fans?

considering how lazy society is getting nowadays, we should be encouraging both men and women to take up athletic activities. it’s only good for society as a whole that people get exercies, for a multitude of reasons. if the webpage rankings of women’s football is starting to merge with the mens’ activities, then that’s progress.

Yutube removing the ability to skip ads is seriously fucking me off.

I get they need advertising revenue and all that, but there was nothing wrong with the old system that allowed you to skip ads after a set time.