The Room 101 thread

I’m actually quite impressed that Mrs CDO organised a piss up in a brewery. She sounds like a very competent woman!



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Now that’s a great birthday present. I might take a look at that myself. There are some great IPAs around. I had a couple of pints of Moonshine from the Abbeydale Brewery on Sunday in a community pub, the Anglers Rest, in Bamford in the Peak District. Also doubles as the village post office and coffee shop.

I would put all those citrus golden ales in Room 101 though. I really don’t like those at all.

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They’re bloody everywhere these days. :rage:

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Used to always look for an IPA but not since I saw IPA on a bottle from Mont Ventoux. Fuck off!!! :cry:

I’m staying in an AirBnb in Paris the next month, and the owners insisted on a weekly cleaner at 9:30 every Monday. So I have to wake up at 9:00, invariably hungover, clean the apartment so she doesn’t think I’m scruffy, then sit in the courtyard like a prick whilst this woman cleans things I just cleaned.


Why do you clean if you are waking up for the cleaner? You are paying because you are scruffy.

and people who don’t agree with me.

OH! and @cynicaloldgit can go in for a few hours to give him something to be a git about <3

On the phone to Mrs (who’s doing dance runs with jnr in London) and she’s 3 times said “This is what I’m saying” I KNOW, I’M FUCKING LISTENING TO YOU!!! Local lingo rubs off on her quickly, calm down @PeachesEnRegalia

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Swinging past Sainsburys on the way home to pick up certain ingredients for dinner, only to get home and realise you forgot the most important one!

Yep, I’m that fucking dickhead.


I regularly go to the shops and come back with loads of stuff. Excluding most of the things I originally set out to get in the first place.

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So I’m not the only dickhead that shouldn’t be left unsupervised?

Good to know! :rofl:

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I was in a long queue of about 10 people at a supermarket a few weeks back when a guy came up behind the lady on the till… he had obviously been drinking as he was slurring quite loud swaying on his feet and at the same time, he is waving what looked like a pizza box above his head… anyway, security came along a few minutes later and after a bit of a scuffle ushered him away… apparently it wasn’t a pizza box he had in his hand but one of those disposable barbeques… He was claiming he had been ripped-off because it didn’t have the steak and sausages inside that were clearly shown on the picture display of the box…! :0))
Guess full of alcohol or not, us guys still have a lot to learn about the finer art of shopping with a trolley eh

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I would like to add the moronic phrase (most likely imported from the US)… “my bad”.

Is “my mistake” too difficult to master?


One syllable longer. Too much effort.

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I’ll add “shuttered” - as in “COVID restrictions had led to businesses being shuttered” - instead of closed or just shut.

Almost every Americanism is awful.


Really peed off with my benefits changing every time I work over time and my employer not taking the efforts I make into account. So it’s finished, if my collegue falls sick they can sort it out themselves noway am I doing 6 nights a week again. Stingy lying fuckwits!
Just lost all my housing benefit because i helped the fuckers out!
System is completely mad!
X-mas bonus a fucking box of chocolates after a year of bending over backwards, grrr!

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Fat cunts who can’t lay off the donuts who sit next to me in the theatre. Just spent 2 hours in the Liverpool Empire sat IN pizza the hut. Should have had two seats you pie munching lard arse. Went through more sweets than the cast did knob gags.

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Yet another tirade from the odious scent:


The death of the word “very”, which seems to have been replaced by the word “super”.

It’s super tasty.
It’s super hot today.
It’s super difficult.

Super twats.