The Room 101 thread

First bit, thankyou. Second bit, absofuckinglutely. I’m SURE somebody is currently googling the scientific papers on the subject. I’d imagine that the number of people who blame their condition on a gallimaufry of conditions beyond their control is very high. In the words of Jimmy Carr, so what are you taking for your medical condition, pies?

And increase the fare for everyone else ?

But maybe understand that not everyone fits into the same template.

Pun intended? :thinking:


So we quote Jimmy Carr in a discussion on obesity/eating disorders.


I sat beside a Samoan guy on a long haul flight. He was fucking huge, looked like a rugby player. He had steel clips at the end of his braids, and caught me a couple of times with them. I pointed that out and we chatted for a bit. He was too big for the seat assigned, and joked a bit about it.

Imagine you would tell him to go on a diet, as he eats too many pies and is invading your space?

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If they had bigger seats(free of extra charge) for some people,you would find people who don’t need them booking those seats for the extra room.The only way to stop that would be to physically present yourself(and others) in front of the airline desk/travel agent when booking so they could see you needed the seat,and that should not need to be the case.

Unlike Jimmy Carr, I choose my audience.

Ah, socialism……

Nothing like prohibitive pricing all in the name of equality eh. It’s alright lad , everyone’s paying the same increased amount.

The airlines are already killing the regular flyers by reducing the luggage that can be taken (all for the share of the logistics money) , there’s a fixed amount of space that is dedicated for every passenger. And that’s become pretty low too (Unless you’re flying biz or first class , which isn’t for everyone).

The other option is for airlines to upgrade someone who can’t fit into the traditional economy /premium economy seat by moving him to the FC seats/beds (If the airlines isn’t fully booked). Then again , the airlines risk opening a whole new proverbial can of worms.

Make seating more spacious and you increase the airfare for everyone (90-95% of the regular passengers all for accommodating the outliers (which sympathetic as i am , isn’t biz sense)

Maybe choose someone else for a change?

Sat next to a tank of a guy (6’7 atleast) on a 5hr flight from singapore to India , he was finding it tough as well. But he did not intrude knowingly on my space and took the utmost care to make himself as small as he could. I could tell it was an uncomfortable journey but the intent was there from his side to not inconvenience other co-passengers. Was booked on “Premium Economy” and he was too big for that as well. Polite , knowledgeable guy… not obese by any stretch , just well built.

Wouldn’t mind cases like that happening as opposed to someone drunk , overflowing into the other seats and who snores on a 14 hr trip.

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And before someone jumps on me , I agree with a lot of aspects of Socialism… w.r.t healthcare , education etc etc.

It’s just the outliers which can’t be the norm going forward. As is the unfortunate cases with the airline seats for example.

The other option is to label all oversized people fat cunts, no matter their circumstances and make them pay double?

No easy solution.

My original point has somewhat digressed I think.

But it was more in answer to @Klopptimist than you.

Its intolerant and lacks any basic empathy to suggest that all weight issues are entirely the persons own fault.


Or give the guy who’s booked alongside their seat an upgrade ? I wouldn’t mind that happening. That is if Biz class is available

He has some brilliant gags and at times is utterly foul.

Unless they’ve been force fed, a person’s weight is entirely down to their own choices. Those choices might be down to a mental disorder. The word might needs to be in 72 foot high letters there.

There are genetic factors for obesity as well. It might be a low percentage. How much percentage that genetic factors and factors apart from food play in obesity is something I don’t know.

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It’s impossible to be fat unless you eat that physical mass and more.

9 Reasons Why Obesity is Not Just a Choice.


Excuses excuses. YOU eat the food (unless you’re force fed)