The Room 101 thread

The sheer ignorance of your response speaks volumes.

Or maybe this is just you being the “edgy outlier” who scorns scientific rationales for difference.


So you do have an interest in this subject.

You’ll tell me what’s factually incorrect about my statement rather than just making baseless assertions.

@Quicksand This statement, right here. What is factually incorrect about it please?


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Try thinking a bit outside your neat little box.

Thats physiological. Eat more equals heavier weight.

Maybe examine psychogical/psychosocial rationales for the the physical manifestation.

Once again

Read the article. Even taking some steroids causes people to gain weight.

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I have an interest in any area where people who are physically or psychologically compromised.

Of course, you see “fat cunt”.
And they may exist.
I see people who may just require understanding.

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A lot of the cases , obesity is as you’ve mentioned , eating more calories. But there are genetics to do it with as well…as well as medicines that cause less calories to be burned etc. Medications which cause increase in hunger producing hormones.

It’s unfair to lump them all in one box.


Can those people do better ? For sure. But how do we know that they haven’t tried ?

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So you can’t point out where I’m factually incorrect.

You’ll be retracting this then.

Of basic human physiology?

Lots of mass in those steroids. Fat is mass, if you don’t eat it, you can’t put it on.

People are/were routinely subscribed corticosteroids for dealing with something minor as allergies/asthma. And these steroids lead to weight gain by supressing hormones which tell you that your body is full.

Hypothyrioidism causes weight gain by malfunction of the Thyriod gland. Again , hormonal issues.


Yes but they cause you to retain mass from the food you eat. They might increase your appetite, it’s possible to ignore this.

It’s not that easy for people to suppress their body’s physiological craving for food. And by the time , the issue is identified… they are well on their way to a unmanageable weight. It’s not as if people who are overweight / obese like being that.

Anyway , I’m guilty of resurrecting a passing comment by you (w.r.t pizza the hutt - which i find funny given the star wars reference) and relating it to my personal experience. What i meant was my personal space (which i’ve paid for and I’ve entitled to it for the duration o the journey ) being invaded. This conversation has taken a different route since.

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Who said easy?

I answered your fairly pointless question already.

I asked you to think outside your neat little box.

Go on. Try.

Absolutley not.

Your stance on this is one of ignorance

You can’t derail this thread. Comes back to really fat people invading a person’s space. Always a case of less donuts unless you believe they can run close to the speed of light as that’s the only way they can gain mass without consuming it. There’s a lovely physics gag for you all.

You’ve failed to point out where I was factually incorrect. You’re doubling down on a lost hand. The only thing I’m ignorant of is a person’s penchant for making claims that can’t be supported by evidence. Prove I’m wrong or retract. I’m curious as to how you gain weight without consumption? You’ll be getting a Nobel prize for this one.