The Room 101 thread

When driving on a motorway and there are signs saying lane closures in 800M, 600M, 400M, 200M etc. The majority of cars will change lanes early, but one or two drivers will bomb it down the outside lane as fast as they can then pull in at the last second. :rage::nerd_face:

That’s a peeve of my hubby…so he pulls into the middle of the lanes so they can’t get in…childish, but satisfying…

Yards actually.
And they should all be used. :crazy_face:

not specifically, but that tier of PL team you’d expect to win a couple right off the start. we were definitely robbed in the Chelsea game.

Room 101. Every single metal splinter I got today machining 60mm mild box section. Tweezers? Need a bloody metal detector.

This is actually how it is supposed to work with everyone zipping in at the end. The problem is that people in the UK don’t zip so everyone pulls in too early.

But the ones that get to the arrows that direct u into the correct lane and sit and wait with indicators flashing…really iritate…especially when they have that ‘pleading look’ …u should’ve moved earlier…sorry…

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The problem is that those in the open lane are meant to leave a space for them to merge in. In the UK, they don’t so everyone pulls in early when there isn’t sufficient space and the traffic tails backwards.

We have noticed on the A66…we do leave gaps to let them in…but they tootle off right down the chevrons, right to the end and hope…

It’s the same anywhere traffic merges. I don’t drive, but often see motorists jumping the queue and then trying to force their way in at the front.


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Now that definitely is against the rules. Once you are merged, you stay merged.

Even worst is if it’s the inside lanes being closed and some nutcase decides the inside lane is the fast lane as noones in it any more!


I’d love to see you dangling from a giant magnet! :rofl:

That only works if everyone is going the same speed (more or less). I think we are complaining about those that don’t observe any of the signals which include the speed limit.


Had one this morning trying to jump ahead of me at the lights from his turn right lane into my straight on lane. Didn’t end well for him :joy:


So do I actually. I hate that . .

So did anyone end up getting cut into four pieces…? :0)

No. I’m far too pretty to end up in jail.

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To think that someone somewhere, sat in a room and decided to design a sou’wester for a dog :0)

Was driving yesterday so couldn’t use my phone. Saw a lady and some rat on a string in matching jogging gear.