The Room 101 thread

We agree on something!
Most nonsensical tool anyone can buy.

The fault with the leaf blower is not the tool. It’s the idiot who is trying to blow leaves into the wind instead of starting at the other side of the yard and blowing them WITH the wind.

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In graduate school, I wrote a paper about them in my dynamic macroeconomic modelling class. One hundred households, each of which have a tree that produces 100 leaves in each time period. Households derive full benefit from having no leaves on lawn, declining with each leaf left, sort of an inverse welfare function. Cost to collect your 100 leaves was X, while the cost to blow all leaves of a lawn with a leafblower was Z if and only if you had made an investment Y to purchase the leaf blower. A household that blows the leaves distributes them equally across all other households.

The first household to invest would see a significant benefit from the investment, with X > Z and full benefit. A second household would reduce that benefit while increasing total cost (1.02 X) for all other households. Eventually, the cost-benefit curves crossed, the next household was compelled to invest simply to avoid the large costs of removal. The last household sets the benefit to the investment to O for all households, all households are incurring the cost Z but still have 100 leaves and no benefit, the last household makes the investment simply because the costs of not doing so are even higher.

One of my best papers ever…hate the damn things.

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There was a case not too long ago where the guy was blowing his driveway clear, of all the fallen leaves… He was blowing them away from the house obviously, which meant he was directing them onto the pavement beyond his boundary, then onto the road so they would be carried far and wide by the next gust of wind.

Council guy came along, because someone complained to them, and the guy who had blown away his leaves, got done for fly-tipping and taken to court…!!

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And rightly so. Clean up your own mess rather than leaving it fir someone else to deal with

You should see street cleaners in Avignon with a hose. Dog shit in street, blast it with hose to otherside of the street move on to next pile of dog shit rinse and repeat. Not even to the same side of the street so they could flush the lot down the drain.
People are fuckwits!

Revenge Of The Sith Episode 3 GIF by Star Wars

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Apparently there has been an outcry that the Marks & Sparks Christmas ad isn’t Christmassy enough and wankersare telling them to withdraw it. Personally, I think it’s bloody hilarious.

Apparently they’re in trouble for burning the hats you get in crackers.

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They show people who don’t like Christmas wrecking Christmas items. What are we to infer from the ad? Did these folk buy the Christmas stuff just to wreck it? It really makes no sense to me.
Why not just show these folk in their homes on Christmas day with no decs or festive food? Why show them wrecking stuff that they’ve bought? Like I said, it makes no sense to me.
Unless the message is “We’re M&S. We sell Christmas stuff. Buy some just to wreck”? :thinking::crazy_face::nerd_face:

PS, I’ve said it before on here but ALL ads should go in room 101. :rage::nerd_face:


Because I won’t let them into my house.


Apparently the hats were the colours of the Palestinian flag and someone got their knickers in a twist over it, even though the ad was filmed in August, two months before the current problems.

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Shouldn’t allow facts to get in the way of a good protest.

Leaf blowers.

Use a rake, you noisy bastards.


Slow golf. Just step up and hit the ball. You are shite anyway.

I’ve got to find the ball first, stop being so impatient and …

It’s a crazy solution the wind can do that, my local council uses very slow moving vehicles with brush and vacuum cleaner and an army of street cleaners with bristle brushes and vacuum cleaners on their backs.

Our council takes this leaf blowing stuff really seriously.

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Warrington binmen, the town is starting to look like London. Rubbish everywhere and they’re having a jolly holiday paid for by their union. Bastards.

Cue next post “People who don’t support strike action”