The Room 101 thread

You are in the twilight zone if this is your thought process. Don’t strike for better pay, just get a better job.
There is a level of privileged arrogance to this that is beyond belief.


Who called you a cunt?
Your post is cuntish.

Slightly pedantic, I know.
Report me for this as well if you want.


Fixed for accuracy

theres a few things at play here… willing to bet that theres plenty of money sloshing about the contract, not alot of it working its way down to the labour, in Klopptomists thought pattern there is an assumption that there is a small pot of money and its being distributed accordingly…when thats the issue, the public have put together a large pot of money, which a very small amount is being distributed to the labour.

  1. you cant upskill everyone…its already a massive issue, education itself is an industry now, not a place of learning, they dont give a fuck how many doctors degrees they churn out, so long as the fees are being paid…for instance, if 1 doctor and 1 technical engineer and 1 architect can properly service, say 100 people, then whats the obvious result if the education machine churns out 10 for every 100…@klopptomist the answer is simple, the ‘menial’ task become more in demand as no one with a doctors degree wants to pick up trash, then you get a classic situation of supply and demand, which is the capitalist system in a nutshell…the result…well, its on your doorstep.

  2. further to that point, its not training, upskilling and ability that determine power in this system, its demand…so yes, although technically driving up beside a bin and collecting it doesnt seem as complicated as quite a few white collar jobs, its a dam site more important…supply.demand.

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But as you are moaning about, despite it being an unskilled job, it is an essential service to keep society running, so pay the workers a wage that signifies that fact


further to my point above, this is why im not 100% against Klopptomists view of the medical system (my experience not being the british, but the australian system) you cant just produce millions of health workers, flood the market and continue it being a free and highly paid sector… something has to give.

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An essential job which hasn’t been done in my town for 3 months. Remind what essential means.

I’m not lowering myself to your level. I struggle to think down to twice your intellect.

So imagine what the town centre would be like if the council said "fuck it, we’re going to sack the binmen and scrap rubbish collection all together "

You still refusing to admit it is essential?


Ah poor pet.

Well, the people of my town (mostly) have the homestatic fortitude to goto the tip, granted there are huge queues. Essential? Absolutely in the long term but you can’t ever argue that it’s anything but unskilled labour and should be paid accordingly. Unless you’re a raving lefty socialist.

Just occurred to me, you’re not a binman are you?

I imagine you had a sly comment to make though.

No, I’d just ask you to go back to work to empty my bins.

Maybe treat your binmen nicely?
Support their right to withdraw labour and direct your whining to their employers.


Cue the British Army.

You’re assuming the employers are in the wrong and the binmen are right.

Here’s the terms and conditions and the salary, take it or leave it. Crazy concept I know.

but thats the whole point isnt it, when negotiations are there to be had, a work force that supplies labour, has the right to withdraw it? no?

i mean, youd have to at least concede they have a right to re- negotiate terms at appropriate intervals? and you admit yourself what they bring to the table is manual labour?, so it stands to reason the only thing they can negotiate with, is the withdrawal of that labour?


To go to that conclusion.
We don’t like the conditions so we will leavr it.
Outcome; No service.

Or, we don’t like the conditions. Employer won’t negotiate, strike action and compromise.
Outcome; Better workforce and full service.

Your Dickensian model of employee rights hasn’t worked for the best part of a century.
In this instance you could just get a serf to pack the SUV and head for the tip.


Binmen aren’t working now. Your point? I hope they bring in a private company to do it, realise it’s cheaper and move to them permanently. Strikers literally left out in the cold.

Anyway, I’m off to the tip. As the rabbits won’t help, no serfs here.