The Room 101 thread

What does that mean?

First rule of TAN - Never ask Flobs what he means

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A bit crazy.

Small and crazy? Like a leprechaun? So you’re saying you think I’m not Paolo?

like a mexican?

I don’t know about Mexicans but I met a Colombian once. He definitely fitted the bill. He caused me to break my hip (not as bad as it sounds but at my age and condition wasn’t any fun).
The Colombian was lot’s of fun and completely FADA! :joy:

I know some mexicans, some of them are definitely FADA

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Room 101 - Racial stereotyping


People who put “prolly” instead of “probably”.

Hanging’s too good for them.

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It would probably be more remarkable if you didn’t hate everybody anyway.


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Also it isn’t as if smokers don’t know cigarettes are bad for them.

I’m all for people getting banned from smoking in close places. But to raise a fuss about people smoking in designated smoking areas is idiotic.

Just don’t go to those areas if you are afraid of passive smoking.

Kid’s gotten into this weird habit of pronouncing something as sumthin. These are the times where I wish spanking wasn’t so frowned upon


You’re missing the point. The whole activity is a massive waste of time, money and health.

If smoking ceased to exist tomorrow, the world would be a much better place.

That’s it.

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Sumfin’ man :wink:

Sure , I do agree with that.

But knowing human beings , they’ll just invent one more habit which is even more harmful to the world.

You’ve been hanging around with Cynical too much.

I’m younger and more jaded.

the number of people who mis-pronounce “jewel-ry” as “jew-lery” is staggering. I’d be guessing, close to 90% and it drives me batty.

Hotel key cards that get wiped when in 50 meters of a mobile phone.

Clients that place their hotel wipe cards on their phones.
Hotel receptionists too lazy to look at the reservation and give a client 1 day on their wipe card when they are staying for 5 days (nuits). Particularly those clients coming in at 3 in the morning when I’m working.
Clients that intend coming back to the Hotel in the early hours of the morning yet don’t bother finding out the night system.
Receptionists that don’t explain to the clients the system in place at nights.
Clients who smash the resaurant door after the restaurant is closed to try and enter the hotel because they can not be bothered to ring on the main hotel door!

Do you want some more?

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