The Room 101 thread

Unhelpful/grumpy hotel staff…

You’ve spelled it wrong in both examples

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That’s not true hotel staff are always trying to be helpful, just because I do it in a grumpy unwelcoming fashion is just part and parcel of the hotel.

Was going to add the grumpness but you beat me to it. I have good reason, for example when a wipe card needs re-initiating it takes 20 swipes and 5 different cards before it works (why? because everything needs replacing).

Hotels without a simple 24 access and an inconvenient “night system”

Exactly, however it’s not the staffs fault. So keep it polite!

Dont I always?

No idea never had to deal with a client called Dane. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You’ve missed the point, completely

To be fair, Canadians giving pronunciation advise - in English or French - seems a little WTF.

You’re just jealous that we have an ‘R’ in our alphabet.

We have one in ours. we just can’t be fucked to use it :wink:

These - Cowboy Boot Sandals :slightly_smiling_face:

To be fair we use it when we talk of home: ‘straya’

right on…

dunno what the farks this arsehole dronin’ on about

Serves you right for watching American “Football”.

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Even so you have to admire how they manage to move so well with those shorts which obviously send a rush of testosterone to the head hench the rules and behavour. :rofl:


Is crap but certainly better than the American shite.

That one was is less a matter of bad grammar, more the American propensity for neologisms. I have in fact listened to an earnest explanation of the difference between defending and defensing a pass.

Doesn’t matter how they try to explain it: it’s wrong.