The Summer Olympics, this time in Paris

I really liked this guy during the shooting competition​:heart_eyes: :sunglasses:. He looked so cool, just be being a regular guy popping in for a regular hobby.


You’ve got to respect a sport where the ultimate goal is to move as little as possible


It has been suggested, the Turkish Government have got him as a Hit-Man in his day job :0)


He looks so cool, it’s kinda terrifying…like some kind of assassin…makes all these other shooters with their fancy kit look silly.


On the other hand if he had the fancy equipment he might have got gold.


Yet without any of it, he beat an entire field to silver. Maybe if those behind him went with none of the fancy kit, theyd have a silver.

Amazing Marita Koch still has the 400 world record from 1985.


Hmm … not really… :syringe:

Koch complained that her fellow East German rival, Wöckel, was receiving higher doses of steroids than her because Wöckel’s uncle was president of the pharmaceutical company, Jenapharm.


Ugh, just read that the triathlon swim was in water 5x the bacterial count that closes rivers here - it came in just below the EEA Bathing Water Directive

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Can’t say Shooting has a plain field


Importantly, this is not a question of gender (self-determination), but biological sex. It is important to point out that the IBA have not disclosed what the basis for the ban was (which is unusual) and so the reporting on those reasons (high testosterone vs demonstration of being genetically xy, normally indicating being biologically male) are based on unverified claims. But regardless of what the actual justification was, this is someone who was assigned female and birth, has all the female parts anyone would expect, and has lived her entire life without any question of whether she was female.

There are reasons to be skeptical of the justification of the ban ranging from lack of disclosure for the reasons to the limitations of testosterone based thresholds, but regardless of those skepticism it at least speaks to the oversimplification of the “sex is binary, fact!” crowd who want to force the world to reflect their simple understanding of it.


It is genuinely tough, and probably not useful to bring convoluted discussions of transgender issues. But the reality is that with XY chromosomes, her designation as female at birth is largely a function of the prejudices of her society. Genetically, she is male with DSD (at least as far as we know). Much like Semenya, that is really not her fault, and you have to have some level of sympathy for intersex individuals left in between categories. However, women’s sport is a protected category that in almost all sports exists because otherwise women have no real chance of competing because of various male physical advantages - as with Semenya, advantages that remove her from that competitive category.

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Ooooff, after lots of “we’re back” coverage in the US over their men’s football team finally qualifying for the Olympics and then reaching the KO rounds, they are being fucking battered by Morocco right now.


She is a woman and she competed in Tokyo and the world championships and got beaten by another woman this poor woman is being victimised and the Italian boxers reaction when she got punched in the face was out of order her only genetic defects are her looks and everyone is giving her a real hard time

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Yes all the British boxers were blatantly robbed and could not understand how they lost the judges are a disgrace they should get rid of boxing from the Olympics altogether


I know there is a few other sports that are judged but bar the male diving I really can’t watch them.

At least with the Horse jumping you know what’s good and bad not with that dancing.

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Anyhow I’m looking forward to the prime time BMX racing… will beat the bland Swimming that’s for sure.


This is just a really sad tale

I mentioned how confusing the Italian’s various reactions were, very overtly making it look like a protest in the ring while being very sporting and conciliatory in her comments afterwards. What this looks like is a competitor whipped up into an emotional frenzy from all the awful “it’s a man” discourse around her opponent and just was not in an emotional state to deal with being punched in the face.


Archery is surprisingly intense