The Summer Olympics, this time in Paris

Like the Freestyle BMX, judges went high with the early scores then seemed to check themselves and make getting high scores really hard which in turn made all the best qualifiers have to do harder difficulty runs because the early rides were way overscored.

My untrained eye says that several runs later in the competition were visibly more impressive than the winning run.

Worst competition at these games is freestyle skateboarding. Should be fun but its an absolute snoozefest.

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Although it would be a real loss, I suspect that is coming sooner rather than later. The sport has systematically failed to clean house. It used to be that the professional sport was orders of magnitude dirtier than the amateur, but it appears the decline of pro boxing has led to amateur boxing becoming more interesting to the same corrupt figures.


I dont know that it would be a loss. When boxing was a big attraction it was in large part because it had all the best young boxers and was a reliable indicator of the next generation of boxing stars, but it just isn’t anymore and really hasnt been since the 90s. The various attempts they’ve made to fix the scoring issues have turned it into a increasingly different sport such that good amateurs generally don’t consider it the valuable proving ground prior generations did. So you can go back to every Olympics since 2000 and can count on one hand the number of stars that came out of the boxing who weren’t from countries (primarily Cuba and Ukraine) who heavily incentivized their best fighters to stay Olympic ranks. Outside of fighters from those countries like Loma, GGG, Rigondeaux who stayed in the Olympic ranks well into their prime, off the top of my head I can think of only Andre Ward, Amir Khan, and Joshua who went in as stars on the rise and used it as a spring board to the pros.

I think for the US the last really good prospect they had who stayed amateur long enough to the Olympics was Gary Russel Jr in 2008 and his experience was memorable only for missing his weigh in after passing out in his dorm room


Yeah, cannot argue with that. A loss of tradition more than a real loss.

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Grim irony that the USA have only won one shooting medal.


They’ll do better next olympics when they hold the shooting in a local school :zipper_mouth_face:


Anyhow swiftly moving on France 2-0 Argentina.

Go sing about that

Edit: Oh maybe not

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Having a brawl now…


Is there a more unpleasant footballing nation than Argentina? Ever since I first saw them in 1966 they have practised the dark arts. Sir Alf knew what they were up to.


The US-Japan women’s game as been utterly dreadful, but Rodman just scored a fucking banger that looks to have sent the US through

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Wow Evenepoel got a puncture with 3km to go in the road race, but had enough of a timegap to still win the race.

He must have thought he was in a nightmare for a second there.


He knew I had £1 on him.


I actually switched it off when that happened why I was so bothered on a £1 bet probably tells you how bad I am doing generally this Olympics.

I can lose this stuff but

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What happened to Frasier Pryce? I turned on the US coverage for the semi final to see she wasnt there but the commentary are not explaining why and BBC dont seem to be commenting on it either

But then watching the next semi final I saw our sprinter Daryl Neita

Apparently she was denied entry to the stadium due to some new rule about having to arrive on the team’s bus, which she didn’t. There’s a video going round of her being stopped and turned away.

I’m guessing she was able to get in eventually but maybe she didn’t have time to warm up?


I am reading something about that now but it doesnt say that is the reason. If so, that would be such a monstrous fuck up from the organizers.

Yeah I’m putting 2 + 2 together and might be getting 5 but I imagine its not exactly the preparation she was hoping for.

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Im reading now she pulled up with a hamstring injury during her warm up, which in another connecting of the dots sounds like she went through the gears too quickly likely trying to make up time for the earlier fuck up.