The Summer Olympics, this time in Paris

Sadly sports other than cricket has never been given too much attention, both by the people and the authorities. Not the only factor I presume though.

He is king of the gobshites, though Farage would challenge him.

Is there any reason the Olympics thread is in the Cruyff turn sub-forum and not the Other Sports bit? It’s annoying trying to find it.

Oh. Turns out I can move it. Problem solved!

You could have just opened a thread on Athletics.

Could have done except it followed on from the discussion about the times run by women over 100m.

You could have started the thread in the right part of the forum… :stuck_out_tongue:

Does the USA basically not give a shit about disabled athletes? Germany, in 36th place with just two bronze medals.

With the state of their health system I don’t think it’s just the athletes they don’t care about unfortunately


Used to be quite good to be honest so not sure what’s happened.

I know the lottery has helped us to be fair.

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The USA finally moving up the table but some countries notably languishing quite far down still.

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Horse people are normally quick to defend their treatment of their horses against criticism from people who “dont understand” what a horse needs. To not even offer a defense here does not bode well for what the horse, and likely many others, were subjected to.

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I was trying to find out what she did so went to reddit and found a thread from 4 years ago defending Dujardin for a disqualification she got under the “blood rule”. Without doing a whole lot of research I am figuring that the horse either had or developed a cut during the performance. With her now voluntarily withdrawing from the Olympics it perhaps hints that this would not be an isolated incident in training.

PSG owner Al Khelaifi took part in the Olympic torch relay, because, as everyone knows, he is all about the Olympic spirit.

I wonder how much he paid.


Further proof, if any were needed, that you can only trust The Swedish Chef.


Don’t really like football being at the Olympics but since it is… Morocco are 2-0 up against Argentina.


Football at the Olympics - hosted in completely different cities and starts before the opening ceremony :see_no_evil:

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Argentina equalized in the 16th minute of stoppage time. Weirdly its a game that didn’t really have many stoppages, so the reason for that much time is unfathomable.