The TV Thread redux

I just bought Dying Light but haven’t got around to it yet. Started Red Dead Redemption 2 for the first time last night so probably will be a while before I try anything else!

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it’s Witcher3 set in the late 1800’s wild west. Fun to play for a few weeks before the open world gets boring.

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I love both the witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2 games. Geralt and Arthur Morgan must be two of the best game characters over the last decade or so.

Dying light was a bit too chaotic. One of the first missions involves setting traps to car engines and I got really frustrated as I kept dying when doing it - only to find hours later I was trying to rig the wrong cars :rofl:

back on topic

I’m eyeballinging Wednesday next, and thinking about taking a shot at The Wire which I’ve never watched. And Parks & Rec.

problem is, I just don’t have time for marathons of TV. I’m good for 30-45 min a few times a week and a LFC game when it’s on.


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The Wire is every bit as good as the hype suggests.


The Wire is excellent. P& R also is good, BUT the first season in the weakest in my opinion, so I always urge people to try two seasons.Or at least a few episodes into season 2 before giving up on it.

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I finished watching Echo 3,it was a decent watch up untill the last episode. What a fucking let down and BS ending.

The Prez character arc is one of the most surprising and rewarding ones telly has ever had.


Alice Morgan says hello

sexy make love GIF

Alice Morgan is a great character but theres never been a show that nailed character development like The Wire. Even characters who speak once every 15 episodes feel fully fleshed out and like they complete journeys.

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I get about an hour a week to play these games so a few weeks of gameplay will last me about a year!

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Think I’ve now watched the whole lot about 5 times now


First episode of The Last Of Us was brilliant. Really did the source material justice, and the added opening scene was excellent.

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Parks & Recreation is great once you get beyond the first season.

Watched 1899. I heard that it’s been discontinued. Probably for the best. They tend to ruin a series trying to extend.

So, what else should I try next?

There was never any intention to go beyond 3 seasons. The writers come from a film background and so seem very stuck on a story in 3 acts approach, and so set out to write this over 3 seasons. They had a story to tell and we’ll likely now never get to see it.

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It was pretty good. Though I don’t get alternate reality that well.

Tulsa King
or on Netflix… Travelers