The TV Thread redux

When was it ever not?


I always wondered what branch of medicine the Dr worked in.

I once worked on a project where a house was built, fully furnished and burnt down by the fire brigade. Was great watching our sensors (and all their money) fail.

Pretty much exactly what the BBC did to Dr Who. The Timeless Children wasn’t enough, now they’ve burnt it down, they’re going to nuke the ashes.

The Consultant on Amazon with Christopher Waltz - Utter shit.

It felt like it was made because some studio head saw the buzz about Severance and told his team to go and fin them their own bizarre work place thriller. This though was all just bizarreness with no sense or payoff.

Brilliant actor, though.


Sure, that was why I watched it. Still fucking shit though. Arguably it was worse because of him because it allowed them to be lazy by just letting Waltz do his Waltz thing to create the weirdness without having to give him good material


finished Jack Ryan. it’s a Tom Clancy plotline. pretty linear. ending reminded me of Red October.

Amusingly he auditioned for both Bunk and Bubbles, which in retrospect is a hysterical idea to think of him in those roles.

I never got into Mad Men when it did its original run so finally started it a while back. I took a long break between the first and second series, but just started that this week. I’m honestly still not sure what to make of it and Im not sure Im seeing why it was such a big hit.


This would be a better story if I could remember who exactly it was but there was a character almost entirely lifted from the real life of a police detective. That police detective auditioned for the role of playing themselves but was rejected and ended up playing one of the various Lieutenants in other departments who pop up from time to time throughout the series.

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Jay Landsman. They named the character after a cop who’d been a central character in one of Simon’s earlier books that helped launch the Homicide show. He was later hired to play one of Bunny Colvin’s senior guys in the Western


Brilliant analysis, except the BBC don’t make Doctor Who anymore. It’s made by the Bad Wolf production company (a subsidiary of Sony).

You doing a great job lately of criticising the BBC for things they don’t even fucking make.

On the subject of this casting, I’ve learned to trust Russel T. He knows what he is doing.


might want to do some fact-checking on that. :laughing:


Nope, turns out I’m right.

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As I posted weeks ago, Sony is now ultimately in charge. Dr Who has been woke gash for the whole jodie saga. This looks like they’re winding it up to 754. As a Who fan, I wonder how you actually feel about seeing the show being destroyed on the alter of “modernity”


I haven’t really enjoyed the Jodie stuff. But that’s because it’s poorly written. It’s had the odd moment, but mostly it was disappointing. I don’t think Jodie was up to it, and the Timeless Child thing made the cardinal mistake of revealing way more of the Doctor’s backstory that should ever be shown. The problem has never been ‘Wokeness’, and let’s be honest, Doctor Who was lecturing us all on environmental awareness in the sixties. The difference is that today’s feels most like a six form writing project than a flagship drama. RTD will sort the writing, and if that’s good everything else will follow.

I’m not going to lose my shit over a casting choice. I did that in 2004, when they cast a bloody teeny pop singer, and I couldn’t have been more wrong.

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well, their website is hosted by the BBC, who are also listed as co-producers of the show since 2005 with Bad Wolf who are run by two ex-BBC execs as noted above.

Not saying you’re wrong, just not that cut/dried.

enjoy your weekend everyone, I’m unplugged until Sunday PM.

Picard ep7 is good, very, very good. Plods a little at times but if you’re a TNG fan, if you don’t wipe a tear or two away, you have ice in your veins. Once again Warf steals the best lines and sets up an absolute home run for Riker. What’s behind the red door? We’ll see next Friday morning.

I haven’t seen the whole series and haven’t read up on those who have. I can’t decide whether the Borg altered Picard genetically hence what’s behind the door or (because he’s Wesley’s brother) he has his powers from there. Unknown but we’ll see :slight_smile:

A billion times better than Mando……

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Have you seen The Corner LS? A lot of the Wire cast appear in it in very different roles.
It’s also great.

On Madmen, I think it has a lot of good stuff, especially the Peggy character and some very memorable moments. It does go downhill towards the end in my opinion, especially once Megan becomes a major character.

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