The TV Thread redux

That will differ by country but, yes, this 100%. We have a service from Deutsche Telekom called Magenta which “sort” of does that but only for services which it is possible to subscribe to through their service.

Yeah I agree, but it may differ across the globe though. I think the lists are more of a reminder of what is out there… a sort of reference pointer toward similar themed backdrops… Remember, it feels like it is going to be a looooong summer wait on the football front :0)


I was just thinking about the Best Sci-Fi TV list. It mentions both Outer Limits and Twilight Zone but not Black Mirror.

The latest series has just been added to Netflix.We watched the first episode last night, Joan Is Awful, and I really enjoyed it. It has the usual dystopian take on modern technology and a great twist in the story.

Incidentally, why does Terminator 2 get mentioned in “greatest Sci-Fi film” lists but not the original which I thought had a far stronger narrative and a darker, more foreboding ending. The sequel had ground-breaking effects but the story was rather shoe-horned around it.


I think like most things it comes down to opinions and interpretation…
The way they put those lists out is just a condensed version of the events, I’m guessing just to spark further interest and conversation like this :0)
Some of those listed have an entire article dedicated to the storyline - This Black Mirror summation is one such typical off-shoot - Might need a spoiler alert warning though

It’s like going from OMD to Atomic Kitten :rofl:


That’s the new series, isn’t it? I’ll give that a miss until I’ve watched it.


There’s an app/website called JustWatch that you can search any TV show or movie and it will tell you which streaming site it is on. Really helpful because I end up finding shows that I can;t even find on the service itself because of the terrible UI they all have.


This is something that amazes me given how much money they spend on these services. Searching through Amazon or Disney for shows/ Movies on the TV is a real ballache. Netflix marginally better but for example unless you are using the mobile version you can’t add to a list with just one click, you have to go into the show and click on the list that appears .

Interestingly, the original script for Terminator was essentially the script that was used for T2 - battling terminators with one significantly more advanced than the other. Cameron deciding there wasnt the technology he needed to do justice to the more advanced liquid based cyborg walked away from the project and sold it to someone else for $1. She then ran with it, cleaned it up and brought Cameron back on board to direct what was now her film. Has there ever been a better return on a single dollar of investment?

That woman also later became Cameron’s first wife, so I guess you win some and lose some


My TV has a search function that scans all the apps you have on your TV and tells you which ones the show is available in.

Bad UI is intentional, makes you feel like there is more to watch than there really is.

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Just looked up who that was. I’d forgotten he married Linda Hamilton in the 90’s, and I wasn’t aware that before that he had married Karen Bigelow…

Can make one feel so inadequate just reading about some of these feats/achievements - watching them really does have to be seen to be believed

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Assume this is the long-awaited CardiffPete biopic?

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Can’t believe Blackadder is 40 years old.
Series 2-4 are the most genius and entertaining TV ever in the entire history of TV


Don’t forget Christmas Carol too, brilliant slant on the classic.

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Got Mrs onboard with Succession. Now starting final season. We’re betting when he dies (no spoilers please!) I’ve gone ep2, she’s gone middle. The quality of the writing just gets better. I do feel sorry for Kendal, a genuinely tortured soul. Some of the jokes really are spectacular too. The endless banter between Roman and Chiv reminds me of this place only with far more basic language :rofl:

Watched season 6 of Black Mirror yesterday. Whilst it still doesn’t hit the same heights as the earlier seasons, it is an improvement on the disappointing season that preceded it.

Beyond The Sea was probably the highlight. Even though you can predict what the outcome was likely to be, it’s still very well acted.

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I had no idea it was on until @ZinedineBiscan mentioned it in another thread. I watched Joan is Awful last night and OMG that went in directions I didnt expect. Murphy and Hayek were brilliant.

I really disliked the Loch Henry episode though. In part it was because it was pretty transparent what was happening. But it was mainly because I don’t understand why it was a black mirror episode.


Loch Henry I thought was ok, though I agree it felt a bit out of place as a Black Mirror episode. The same can be said about Mazey Day which was easily the weakest episode of the season.