The TV Thread redux

What type?

Alchemy of the Souls (fantasy)
Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Good Doctor (drama)
Mad Dog (thriller)

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There was a Korean zombie show about an outbreak in a high school that I thought was fun. Can’t remember what it was called though.

All of us are dead?

Looking at action. Not too much into drama and comedies

Finished Hijack, the plot is beyond ludicrous once you find out the reason the hijack is taking place to begin with (which doesn’t come until quite late in the series).…would’ve been much better if they’d made it your typical terrorist style hijack or at least make is so it’s a story we can get behind. Otherwise it made for a pretty compelling watch.

Platonic lives up to it’s name title well enough, one of those to watch wen you wanna wind down after a debbie downer of a day with the light hearted laughs you get from Seth Rogen being Seth Rogen.

Very outlandish premise for Hijack but it’s an entertaining watch. Idris Elba is just very watchable no matter what.

Oh for sure very entertaining, it’s only 2nd behind Your Honor in series I’ve finished watching the quickest in years.

Came to an end a little abruptly for me as well, could’ve tied up a few knots at the end with the guys that drove away….don’t think Idris even got to see his wife or son at all!

I was wondering if that leaves the door open for a potential second series.

Just finished S2 of Foundation. Was a bit unsure of what it was trying to do for most of the season, albeit while still staying very watchable, but then came to life brilliantly in the last two episodes. Without giving away spoilers, it’s a direction for the Cleon storyline you maybe should have expected in an Asimov story, but one that totally blindsided me


Certainly not for everyone, but I’m enjoying the second season of wheel of time. They’re taking more liberties with the story, but characters generally stay true to how it was written, and liberties need to be taken.

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Reservation Dogs ending.
Sad, but a really great show about people who are rarely in the limelight.

New True Detective incoming.
Please let it be good!

Watched the first two episodes of the One Piece live action show on Netflix last night. Was surprised at just how good it was.


Not my favourite season of ‘Only Murders in the Building’ but still one of the best shows on at the moment. Already looking forward to season 4.

I just started watching a German mini series called Dear Child. It’s ostensibly about a woman and her child who escape captivity but when they show up at a hospital the answers about who they are and where they have been don’t seem to make sense.

Amusingly it’s got Julika Jenkins in it as the maybe grandmother of the little girl. She is probably best known for playing the middle version of Claudia Tiedemann in Dark…a German show about kids going missing and it making no sense when they show up again :joy:

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Even though the series seems a tad sanitised in comparison to actual events, lots of scenes are left to your own imagination. Like when he is saying his goodbyes to his mum, as she is laying in the coffin with just him and her in his front room.
If anyone was ever confused what the word weirdo means… watching this guy in action, highlights it in a nutshell.
Commissioned by the BBC, could be the only reason they went easy on themselves in the complicit role they played in pampering to his whims and his debauched mind.

On BBC iPlayer now

I don’t care how good it is. I never want to see or hear anything about that monster ever again.
It makes me want to puke.


If only they’d listened to this man.
But he was seen to be obnoxious by society.

BBC bans Johnny Rotten in 1978 for outing Jimmy Saville - YouTube

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And now he defends child molesters.

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Care to elaborate?

He defended Trump publically and voted for him despite Trump being accused of having sex with underage girls.

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