The TV Thread redux

A comic strip with fucking pronouns???

I read the thing in 1980 but Iā€™m pretty sure that they used pronouns. Itā€™s a common grammatical construct.

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Following my normal trend of being 18 months late Iā€™ve started watching it last night. Two episodes in so no spoilers please.
Iā€™ve also not read any of the books but I may look into that as Iā€™m really enjoying it. Reacher, in this version clearly has some character traits, (autistic maybe, apologies Iā€™m no expert on this?) that Iā€™m finding both fascinating and enjoyable.

Cruiseā€™s version was clearly perfect and squeaky clean with no real hard reasoning behind the hobo lifestyle. This version however seems to be leading somewhere on that front and he clearly has some character flaws which, to me, make it all the more enjoyable.

And yeah, heā€™s huge. Possible Batman maybe?

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Glad you did as iā€™d forgotten about this show.

Iā€™ve just discovered season 2 is due to start airing December 15th. I canā€™t wait!

Any Foundation fans here (the show, obviously, though I imagine there people here who have read the book)? Iā€™m midway through the second season and this thing might rival The Expanse for me if it goes on like this.

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Did you watch the episode?

Yes, although I watched on Disney+ so you may be referring to something that was only on the BBC.

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No, just the horrifically cringe moment when the Dr was pulled up on mis gendering something.

Thatā€™s interesting that they are trying to develop a more interesting character. In fairness to Cruise he plays Reacher pretty much how Lee Child wrote it - heā€™s perfect and great at everything but a complete off the map drifter for no real reason.


Thatā€™s my take on it more than anything I guess. I could, more than likely be miles off. Interesting that he may have drifted a little off from the books. Itā€™s just some of the mannerisms and things he says, does. Obviously highly trained and heā€™s clearly very intelligent but hyper observant and remembers exact words of conversations. And then thereā€™s the ā€œdont give a fuckā€ attitude to what anyone else thinks to the point where it seems he has no indication of other people around him. Thereā€™s a distance to him.

Regarding Reacher, read them all. Bit formulaic in all honesty. Drifter turns up in a town, police involved, pretty girl, murder, fighting, end. Cruise acted the part well but heā€™s barely half the physical size of the character in the book. The series is far more accurate and enjoyable.

But I heard Tom Cruise does his own stuntā€™s :grimacing:

For X files fans, had Mulder and sculy not caught Eugene Tooms heā€™d be coming out of his 30 year hibernation about now and going on another killing spree

That was one episode which genuinely terrified my as a kid.

The glowing eyes was freaky as hell


Lol me and my wife still reference that episode on a regular basis. Most recently to describe the way our dachshund high-speed slithers under our bed.

Yeah I enjoyed that one. Apple quietly has a nice collection of shows that get very little attention.

I made the point a while back and I think a lot of it is the absence of distinct marketing from Apple itself. You see small amounts of marketing for the Apple service in general, but I think the only 3 shows Ive ever seen them promote directly are the Morning Show, Severance and Ted Lasso, and for the latter than was not until it was already a huge hit. For a company so renowned for the effectiveness of their brand marketing their approach to this is fascinating to me. That means unless youā€™re elbow deep in following Hollywood stuff the vast majority of the stuff on the platform will be stuff youā€™ve never even heard of.

For All of Mankind just came back for its new season and I only heard about that from word of mouth. But then it was a show that had 3 whole seasons of truly excellent tv before Id ever even heard anything about it in the first place.


And they are splurging on movies. Killers of the Flower Moon, Napoleon, Argylle (yet to come out) all big budget big swings that are backed by apple. Theyā€™re allowing theatrical releases before they move to apple in an attempt to get directors to make movies for them, and itā€™s working. Weā€™ll see if it translates into subscriptions.

In meantime, Slow Horses is about to come back for third season, and they have Masters of the Air, the 3rd chapter in Spielberg/Hanks Band of Brothers shows. The fact that itā€™s not on HBO is crazy to me. HBO might be dead.

The acquisition by Discovery has been awful. This is now 10 years or so (maybe longer) that Warner in general has continued to operate successfully while weighted down by the impact of newly acquired corporate owners whose own troubles has weighed it down.

The Discovery dweebs are now talking about trying to purchase Paramount, a brand that has been unofficially on sale for about 5 years. That would give them about 90% of all TV networks in the US, the vast majority of which are already on life support.

If Werner could just get spun off into its own company and be unshackled from the issues of parent company mismanagement Im positive it would thrive into the coming era because it just has such a great reputation for must see content. The more valuable brand content like the Wire are put next to ā€œJack Ozbourne explores haunted housesā€ and other such disposable shit from the Discovery brand the more they kill the value of their own brand.


Iā€™ve just been seeing adverts for that new Godzilla universe tv show Monarchy: legacy of monsters with Kurt Russell. Caught me by surprise both because I wasnā€™t expecting a Godzilla themed tv show but also because I rarely see adverts for Apple TV.