The TV Thread redux

I’ve just rewatched this with my wife. I think I know the bit you mean. I think this was a piss take of a 1972 episode when the Doctor lectures his assistant on the appropriate way to address a haemaphrodidic hexapod.

It made me laugh, anyway.

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No it was jamming The Message into a place where it’s just not wanted, needed nor appropriate.

RTD and Davros, fuck me sideways where to start:

“There’s a problem with a wheelchair user who’s evil”

As Whippet says, it is a throw back to a Tom Baker episode. An episode from the 70s, early enough in its run that was one with just the third doctor.

This is just yet another example of how this is always what Dr Who has been. It seems if your attitude to the show and its themes is authentic then maybe its time to accept that you are no longer the person who can enjoy what it presents rather than getting pissy about a being what it has always been?


Or maybe, if you’re a middle aged person getting your knickers in a twist about a kids’ show, the problem isn’t the show.


Fuck me………

None of you see the wood for the trees. It’s not a bloody call back, it’s blatantly screaming the BBC’s crazed agenda at the general public. Disney have their mitts in this to boot. No surprise.

So you’re all happy with RTD’s interview about Davros? Go on, any of you argue that one.

You’ve seen the viewing figures I’m guessing? What this hideous incarnation presents is most certainly not what the public want to watch. Just like Disney are doing. Weird that.

When will they learn that entertainment should trump The Message? Ironic…z

I thought it was the highest rated new drama of the year?

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Because it had to have 2 of it’s most popular actors back after the house fire of Dr Karen. Let’s come back to this after the 3rd one.

BBC and Disney have never been caught manipulating RT reviews.

So 90% positive seems like a pretty respectable score.

Obviously someone has been review bombing the audience score. Don’t you have anything better to do? :wink:

Yeah, all the fault of the toxic fans. #fanbaiting.

We just got a six month trial and honestly I’m struggling to find them.
Other than one film (The Banker) and Fraggle Rock, and the Peanuts stuff, I’m struggling to find anything that looks at all interesting to me. Even Foundation doesn’t seem to have an especially compelling cast.


Foundation is good. Severance is good in a weird way. Ted Lasso is brilliant, maybe the best show on TV for a while, even if 3rd season maybe dips before the conclusion. Slow Horses is great (takes a few episodes but then really takes off), same as For All Mankind. Silo is highly entertaining and well done. Haven’t watched Hijack yet but it’s on my list. Watched one episode of Bad Sisters, and it was entertaining, but haven’t followed through with the rest of it yet, but has a lot of promise. Am enjoying the Monsters show and will watch all of it even if it ends up being terrible lol.

What kind of shows do you like?

Don’t know anything about Foundation but I see a fair few people saying good things about it

I like ‘HBO’ type shows like The Wire, Boardwalk Empire, Deadwood, Band of Brothers, Oz, True Detective, Westworld, Show Me a Hero.

Also The Knick, Mad Men, Timeless, 11.22.63, anything by Mike Flanagan.

I don’t like shows about rich people being dicks, generally things which are described as thrillers which are actually a bit boring, or most things which are post apocalyptic/dystopian.

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I’d say the following are pretty good analogues for what you say you like both in terms of quality and vibe.

  • For All Mankind
  • Foundation
  • Silo
  • Changeling
  • Slow Horses
  • Severence

Bad Sisters is fantastic, but more irreverent (Irish Dark Comedy) so thematically might not interest you

Others that have fans but different sorts of shows so again might not interest you but are at least worth reading about to see if you have any interest in trying

  • Ted Lasso (schmaltzy but brilliant. As a brit living in the US I can say it is also the most authentic demonstration of transatlantic cultural confusion I have ever seen and made me laugh 2-3 times an episode with savy observations about that)/
  • Hijack (silly but fun in a textbook Idris Elba way)
  • Big Door Prize (possibly dumb, possibly directionless, but interesting at least…and Chris O Dowd is always fun)
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I tried big door prize, and it wasn’t for me.

The last thing he told me was also good.

I am genuinely undecided. I liked it a lot, but was always veering to thinking “there is no actual point to it.” For lots of it I felt like it was one of those shows that introduces intrigue for the sake of it with no real way to get to resolution with it. BUT, if they have a point, and that is to be determined, it could be great.

Yeah i watched the first episode and just didn’t really get the point of anything that was happening, and moved on. Just wasn’t intrigued. There’s enough out there it was just a shrug and moved on to other stuff. There’s a lot of conceptual stuff out there that’s probably good but not for me. Severance is close to that for me, but the wife loves it lol. What are they doing on those computers, and why? Scary numbers?

Yeah, Severance was a bit Emperor’s New Clothes for me. But there is enough hype about it that I’d still recommend it to people looking for HBO quality dramas to watch