The TV Thread redux

You make some good points and I’m certainly not bothered enough to ride to Carr’s defence. I’ve found some of his special’s to be very funny and that he intentionally drives his comedy so far as to become absurdist. I’ve always taken his act as a kind of Sacha Baron Cohen style satire of Middle England.

Anyway, point is Dave Chappelle told 1 joke in 35 minutes. Fuck me what a waste of time.

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Again, I know it’s not new but finally caught up with one of last year’s most highly rated new shows - Beef. Sometimes coming to a show like that late can be a big let down, but god it was so good.

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Watched the 4 episodes of Bates Vrs The Post Office…
Just a normal guy, but what a special individual he proved to be…!
Unbelievable what happened to ordinary folk being fucked over by the Government (Post Office)
Well worth a watch IMHO


Finally got around to ‘The Bear’ season 2.

Episode 6 - fuck me!

Just watched the first episode. Painful, but the ending had me in tears of laughter, even though telegraphed in the adverts.

As we’ve all had covid and Xmas sucked we’ve watched a lot of films/TV - something I don’t really do. Now lets see what I can remember off top of my head…

Newish Scream movie - Im not a massive horror film fan but this was good fun.
Candy Cane Lane - New Eddie Murphy Xmas movie - good family fun.
Die Hard 1, 2 & 3 - Wife had never seen them so we watched. Great films.
Based on a True Story - Kaley Cuoco’s new thing and its good fun. About a couple who befriend a serial killer.
The Serial Killers Wife - started this yesterday and only watched 2 out of the 4 episodes and its very good so far. Hubby arrested on suspicion of murder and it all unravels…

So talking about comedy we watched the new Ricky Gervais comedy Armageddon - now it maybe that we were feeling rough but we thought it was utter shite. Probably laughed twice. But ive spoke to a mate who is a RG Fanboy and even he said it was crap so maybe I wasn’t wrong.

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It’s a really good series, was quite fun seeing Yeun go against type by playing a vindictive dickhead lol

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By the way, can’t remember whether or not I’ve recommended it here already, but Blue Eye Samurai is an amazing show on Netflix, an absolute must-see for anyone who’s into animated shows.


He is approaching the level of someone who if he’s in it I’ll give it a watch

Just out of curiosity, why did Cristmas suck, because of COVID or did you did not get a new Liverpool pyjamas … :laughing:

I really enjoyed it. I have a soft spot for Chris Messina, but this is now the second thing in a row I’ve seen Cuoco in where she was excellent. I hated Big Bang with a passion and so had a real aversion to her in the past, but it turns out she is way better than that dirge.

i loved big bang but hated the flight attendant (if thats what you meant) - for me that was utter garbage. Started off OK then whenever she needed something she found it - a password, a key, pincode etc - it was like an episode of Nancy Drew (one for the teenagers). I thought she was good in it but was let down by stupid story line especially the ending of season 1.

But Id like to see her in more - she’s really proved she isn’t just good for stereotypical blonde bimbo parts. Shes a really good actress.

Mums been in and out of hospital due to 2 failed hip operations and still in there. We all got covid that wiped everyone out from 25th and I still feel rubbish. All our plans from boxing day until NYE were cancelled. Boxing day came down to water in utility room as we had a leaky tap upstairs.

Oh and my LFC speedos were too big :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear about your mum, I hope se makes a full recovery and so do the rest of your family.

Yeah, the flight attendant. I completely accept your description of the show, but I didnt take it a serious enough show where those contrivances were negatives. For me it was in the category of Chuck…a tongue in cheek silliness to the story that was primarily a vehicle for surprisingly good actors to just have fun with something and entertain.

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Came across a strange series that turned out to be quite good - Archive 81. It is in the horror/suspense genre that seems to blend Blairwitch project and the Dark with tones of a Scandi-noir thriller. Am currently about to watch the last episode, episode 8.

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Had the same feeling as Chappelle - a “comedy” show which was actually just an hour long complaint.


Am a fan of Ricky but this bordered on lazy. Far from his best.

Boy Swallows Universe on Netflix in aus.

Quiet dark but fucking hilarious. Very aussie humour and lots of references to growing up in QLD in the 80’s

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New season of Fargo - shit

It’s completely forgotten it is supposed to be a comedy, or thinks just having them speak in the accent is enough, and the drama just isn’t compelling enough to be worth it by itself

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