The TV Thread redux

Remember, you asked for this.

fake news.

Thatā€™s how 90% of Liverpool fans feel at the moment.

The other 10%?

Thanks to @Limiescouse for recommending Midnight Mass the other week when we were talking about Fall of the House of Usher. Finally finished the latter and enjoyed it, but have just finished MM and think that was truly excellent.

For whatever reason, the description of it, which highlighted the religious aspect, was honestly a bit of a turn-off for me, but having sat down to give it a chance - and having watched all Flanaganā€™s other productions - I was very pleasantly surprised to say the least.

I think Hill House is still undoubtedly his best, but I actually think Iā€™d put MM behind that in my order of preference. Probably Usher 3rd, Midnight Club 4th and Bly a distant 5th (which I found so tedious I actually never finished).

Bly and Midnight Mass both had plenty of philosophical monologues, but while in Bly they turned me off completely, I really enjoyed that aspect of MM, maybe the acting was just better and sold it in a way that it didnā€™t in Bly.


Yeah. Completely agree. I was a huge fan of Zach Gilford from Friday Night Lights so loved him getting the opportunity to do another meaty role.

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Iā€™m not sure whether to post here or on the German Reds thread.

I am looking to get a new IPTV receiver.

We currently have a Magenta MR401 from Telekom but I am finding it is lacking more apps or they are missing UHD or Dolby functionality.

We can only receive public service terrestrial channels and satellite is a bit hit and miss (we live in a forest). So some form of IPTV is best. I would also like live pause and some recording, mainly for late night archive programs (Musikladen and the like).

Telekom are offering a Magenta One receiver which is the MR401 replacement. Is it any good? Are there better options?

Didnā€™t understand a word mate, but I know what a VPN is.

Viel GlĆ¼ck damit :wink:

I mean I was thinking of putting it on a German message board but I would have to translate the lot and probably wouldnā€™t understand the answer.

I might just wander down to Mediamarkt and see what they have.

I was trawling Apple to find something new to watch and went with something called Suspicion. If you find yourself on this tile and considering it, turn your tv off, unplug it, throw it out of the window, and then set fire to it. It is one of the dumbest shows Iā€™ve ever seen. It was like someone was told the idea for a tv show while out drinking, browned out and then woke up in the morning with a vague recollection of a good idea heā€™d heard and proceeded to film it immediately without resolving any of the gaps.

Iā€™m now on to Castle Rock. Itā€™s not an adaptation of anything specific Stephen King wrote, but obviously fans of his will realize from the name itā€™s meant to be part of his universe. Castle Rock is the town in which the Dead Zone was set. The show is based around Shawshank prison, which they have located in Castle Rock. In the first few episodes there are references to Jack Torrance being one of the characterā€™s uncle, people concerned about dead pets coming back from the dead, and one plot point is around someone with Shinning like powers. It even uses some actors associated with King films (Sissy Spaceck in the first season and I see Tim Robbins has a role in S2).

I have no idea if its going to be any good, but so far so good and definitely seems an interesting idea that King fans will get a kick out of.

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I misread that as saying Fraggle Rock :rofl: - since signing up to apple a week ago my daughter has been hooked by this show. I donā€™t think it is as good as the version I watched during my own childhood but it is still cool to see her enjoy it.

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You wait until the episode where Red dies, they bury him and he comes back as a murderous zombie fraggle. Your kid will love it

Is his name Darwin?

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It shouldnā€™t mean anything to you or anyone but I absolutely loved every second of it. I have a thing for small towns, forests and autumns, too. Sissy Spacek was a star (she has one episode revolving completely around her character - it features a world class performance from her), I loved how Tim Robbins and Lizzy Caplan handled their roles, too.

I was extremely disappointed when the show was canceled but I kind of expected it as it was not made for mass audiences.


Aye, I entirely get you. It is such a prominent theme of his writing as well that he has developed that feeling about the location of his stories as almost a character in itself. When one of the characters comments that nothing is wrong with the people of Castle Rock, itā€™s just the place, you can understand what the character is getting at.

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Finished second season of slow horses, quality show so far.


Was just about to post same. I binge watched first season last saturday and second season last nightā€¦worried i wont find another show i enjoyed as much anytime soon

Only downside to the show for me is that one actor who looks/sounds like Simon Pegg which temporarily takes me out the show - which is a shame because i think the actor is otherwise really good in thisā€¦

Itā€™s very very good. Watched it a few years ago when it was released. Iā€™d say season 2 is better but both very good. Good strong cast in each season too.

Very much this. The premise had huge and endless potential. Didnā€™t have to delve into existing King material but use it as an inspiration and go in a different direction of its own. The back story of Annie Wilkes is brilliant.

Same thing happened with The Exorcist tv show. Very strong writing, great cast and was loved by the horror community but didnā€™t have the mass audience appeal either.

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