The TV Thread redux

So, the missus is visiting relatives and I decide to flick through Netflix.
What a pile of shite! It doesn’t help that she loves horror and nasty crime thrillers, but wtf?!
I have no idea why we pay for that bollocks. Thank goodness for BBC iPlayer.

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I watched a couple of Korean films on Netflix last night- Kill Boksoon and Ballerina.

Not exactly intellectually deep, but good entertainment: give them a go.


4 Episodes in now. Still no idea WTF is happening, but still really enjoying it.

I have no idea how they wrap this up in the last 2 episodes, so going on the way this show has gone they probably just wont bother


Just finished watching the fourth episode. The soundtrack is picking up and the show is weird as hell compared to earlier seasons, with a lot of horror elements. I love it.

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Oddly enjoying Cowboy Bebop

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Yeah, I did too. A shame it was cancelled. Although, that said, the character they introduced right at the end of the season, who would have formed a key part of S2, was a bloody nightmare so maybe I’m not that bothered lol

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watching Foundation at the moment

enjoyable show, love the genre, the world building is great…the show might be slightly jumpy and slow in places…but yeah…enjoying it


The serial or the animation?

Or the music genre?

The series.

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I loved it, the world building, the characters on display - especially one introduced in the second season, one of the best characters I’ve seen in any TV show I’ve watched.

Just started season 2, think this is the best sci-fi series I’ve seen aside from The Expanse

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It might as well be! I loved every bit of The Expanse aside from its premature ending and the fact that it robbed us of what should have been an epic, epic story arc. Hopefully Foundation won’t suffer the same fate.


ill look forward to it.

Do you have any recommendations on the other Japanese/ Korean stuff on there?

My wife loves watching Korean shows and when on her own probably splits her tv watching 75% Korean/ 25% Thai.

If it is solely a Netflix series for your wife… she might like -

One Spring Night

Both Korean, both 10/10 so I’m told…

Thanks. She has seen Encounter, not sure about the other one.

Does she prefer any particular genre?

Beef was excellent. Thanks to whoever it was that brought it up.
In the middle of the new season of Fargo now, the characters just all feel like caricatures… it’s all just meh.

It’s just like being on TAN.

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I did not get the love for this season of Fargo at all, and I say that as someone who loved the previous 4 series. The comedy just wasn’t there, which would be ok if it was a choice, but if felt like they took their shots and they just missed. Ok we get it, there is a juxtaposition in how meek and Minnesota nice Juno is while being James Bond that might have made people smile. Once.

With that said, the way they wrapped it up was wonderful. If that is the last season, it was a pretty good way to wrap it up. I just wish they’d done more with the previous 9 hours and 45 minutes of the series to get us there