The TV Thread redux

yes it was. Jeremy Allen White does the stressed-out tormented neurotic smoker quite well. Flashbacks of Shameless, early seasons.

Oddly, both are set in Chicago.

Thatā€™s The Bear. Beef is about Steven Yeun and Ali Wong both being deranged idiots who lives spiral in a mutual thirst for revenge after getting into a road rage incident with each other.


shit. the Beef was the restaurant before they changed the name, The Bear. my bad

Iā€™ll stop racking my brains trying to remember which part in Beef was played by JAW :joy:

About to start the third and final series of Departure, standard run of your mill investigation type but entertaining nonetheless.

Solid little cast with Archie Panjabi leading the way.

Just finished season 3 of Slough House. Canā€™t wait for season 4.

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Started watching Shrinking as iā€™m a big fan of both Jason Segal and Harrison Ford, and absolutely loving it.

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Finally got round to catching up on WL.
Great stuff. Itā€™s soapy, but intelligent. Season two even better. Highlight - the Italian girls.
Looking forward to season three, which still seems to be in the casting stage.

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Just watched Wolf Like Meā€¦ (Comedy Drama)
Thought I would give the first episode 10-15mins to see if it could catch my attention, and whether it was worth watchingā€¦ Ended up binging 13 episodes, across 2 Seasons, with matchsticks holding my eyelids open, and I am still wondering WTF have I just watchedā€¦! :0)
Some laugh out loud momentsā€¦ Some dark humour chuckle away momentsā€¦ Some ā€˜jeez what was thatā€™ momentsā€¦ All in all, not sure Iā€™ve ever seen a series like itā€¦ Counting the minutes for Season 3 :0)

Plot - Wolf_Like_Me

Gary [Josh Gad], is a single father living in Adelaide, Australia with his 11-year-old daughter Emma; both of them are still emotionally traumatized by the death of Emmaā€™s mother, Lisa, seven years earlier. They meet Mary [Isla Fisher], an isolated advice columnist recovering from her own complex emotional baggage. But despite her attempts to stay away, they keep meeting again and again, in a cluster of coincidences that imply the hand of destiny. While Gary struggles to connect to his daughter, for Mary reaching Emma is all but effortless. However, Maryā€™s baggage involves a deadly secret that she fears might hurt the two:

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Has anyone tried Witcher S3 yet?

Not me! Still havent got round to season 2.

My tv time is often curtailed by my daughter either hogging the tv or being in the room so i need to be selective in what i have on the screen.

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Little wonder the country is in the state itā€™s in if the common sense, problem solving skills and initiative levels displayed by budding entrepeneurs in The Apprentice is anything to go by.

Itā€™s hilarious, I didnā€™t think the candidates of last series could turn out any worst until tonight happened.

Isnā€™t the whole point of the Apprentice that they get the most vain, egotistical, arrogant people on the planet who are pretty much off the scale on the Dunning-Kruger effect and then let them loose to create havoc?

Apparently, the winner gets to be President.


Just watching one of those police chase programmes before the match starts. They have just pulled over a guy who has no licence or insurance plus tested positive for cannabis and cocaine and had also been drinking stella while drivingā€¦ poor lad was banned for 12 months. Bit harsh if you ask me.

Been watching Shrinking with wife, itā€™s mildly amusing but ponderous in the vein of Ted Lasso.

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Watched Sisu, fun movie, I thought I would post it here because Iā€™m too lazy to find the other thread.

I watched this brilliant tv docudrama series written by Dr Rachel Clarke. It is called ā€˜Breathtakingā€™.

I think everyone should watch this 3 part story, it is set during the first Coronavirus lockdown and what people had to go through especially the embattled NHS personnel and the scandal of not having adequate or no PPE and how incompetent and couldnā€™t careless government let the country down.

My extremely vulnerable mum lived through Covid and was one of the lucky ones who didnā€™t get it. It was an awful time for everyone around the world.


Shogun, on Disney+, has drawn quite a few favourable reviews. I think Iā€™ll start watching it on Thursday; thereā€™s something a bit more important on telly tomorrow.

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Itā€™s out now, just about to watch the first two episodes.