The TV Thread redux

Still talking about TVs?:rofl:


Same with CRT computer monitors. I can remember when we first got flat panel displays that a senior manager started shaking one because it hadnā€™t come on. I had to point out that it wasnā€™t a fucking Etch-a-sketch.

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:arrow_right: Nostalgic Old Farts thread

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We didnā€™t have a TV at all until the very late 80s. I remember going around to my grannies house and my uncle was watching this orange team at euro 88 and not sure why he wouldnā€™t let me watch cartoons.

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I didnā€™t have to wait that long for having our TV. But I remember going to my neighbour on Friday (our weekend) afternoon to watch Tarzan.



Longest game of noughts and crosses in historyā€¦

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Summation of the last 30 odd posts

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brings back some nice childhood memories.

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Has anyone here watched Fauda?

It was recommended to me a while back by someone who normally gets my tastes, but I dont know with this. I started it last night and at least the first couple of episodes feels way too close to IDF propaganda, which feels especially off at this time.

Do I persevere or just junk it now?

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My step dad was a big fan of the show. Iā€™ve heard other people talk positively of the show too. I saw the first episode a few years ago and enjoyed it but didnā€™t watch any further because I thought it might get too dark for me. I guess watching it now could be less palatable but it really depends on how much you enjoy watching the show - if it is offputting you can always pick it up another time.

Dr. House is on Netflix, yay :blush:


I quit Fauda and turned to Murder at the End of the World. Why do I do this to myself? I knew it would be shit, and fuck me it delivered.

Itā€™s the new one by Brit Marling. I know she has fans, but I cannot understand why. Everything she does is like a 14 year oldā€™s first exploration of ā€œprofound thinkingā€ except sheā€™s in her 40s and still with the same depth of her writing. I think the best thing I can say about it is I saw it described as a show (like all her stuff) you have to watch with your cynicism set aside. I kind of get that, if you count thinking ā€œpeople dont talk like thatā€ and ā€œthe idea you are now raising is not remotely profound nor have you got anything new or interesting to say about itā€ as cynicism.

Been watching This is going to hurt. Itā€™s v good so far although weā€™ve just got to a shockinf point from where it could veer off significantly

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Just watching the trailer to Fallout and am really excited by it. Show isnā€™t out until mid-April but canā€™t wait.

I really hope Ron Perlman features somehow, loved his speaking parts in the games.

FALLOUT Final Trailer 2024 Amazon Prime Video New Upcoming Series 4K UHD (


Has anyone else finished Masters Of The Air? I found it both very enjoyable and frustrating at the same time. In terms of the historical accuracy and the action, I canā€™t really fault it. But the lack of emotional content was a huge disappointment.

The characterisation was really wafer thin and the way the airmen reacted like over-enthusiastic jocks reacting to a motivational prep talk was mawkishly off-putting. It felt more Biggles than serious drama at times.

As my wife noted, they didnā€™t even mention the firebombing of Dresden. I checked out the history of it and that squadron was assigned to a raid on Chemnitz that night but what would their reaction have been? Would they have been horrified that they were participating in questionable acts? Would they have been defensive as they were risking their lives nightly following orders and trying to defeat a clearly evil regime? We donā€™t know. They just smile and salute each other.

Iā€™ve never seen Band Of Brothers but Iā€™m lead to believe that it is a superior production. Would anyone concur?

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Havenā€™t watched Masters of the Air as I didnā€™t enjoy The Pacific. I have seen Band of Brothers multiple times and absolutely love it. Would thoroughly recommend it.


Iā€™ve seen everything but the last episode of MOA. I agree with everything you said. Iā€™ll watch last episode to close it out but thereā€™s no emotional connection with anyone involved.

Band of brothers is in another stratosphere. Itā€™s absolutely amazing. Iā€™ve also watched it multiple times and just started to rewatch it again after going to the WWII museum in New Orleans instead of finishing MOA. I highly recommend you watch it if your interested in that kind of content.

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Id argue its worth it even if war stuff normally isnt your thing. Iā€™d say war stuff is normally 50-50 for me, but BoB is one of the best shows Iā€™ve ever seen.

There is also something fantastic about coming to it late because it is absolutely full of talent you for whom you likely wouldnt have recognized them, or at least not as serious actors, if you watched it live, but now you watch it and go ā€œI know that guyā€.