The TV Thread redux

Finally got around to watching Ted Lasso, I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy it but have been pleasantly surprised so far. Definitely worth a watch, some of the lines are absolute cheesy genius.

“I think I literally have a better understanding of who killed Kennedy than what is offside… It was the mob.”

The final season of Lasso drags a lot.

Just finished this show and noticed the Game of Thrones guys in the credits. I guess it’s just a theme with them that they get to the end of a series and just lose interest, introduce a bunch of new ideas that conveniently moves the plot to the end and call it a day.

It is the first book in the series and so they expect to have 2-3 more series to finish it. But yes, it very definitely takes a dive of a cliff in terms of quality and seriousness around the half way point. To their slight defense, lots of the criticisms of the show in terms of dumb character arcs were part of the criticism of the books as well. But at the same time, if they see something that is shit they dont need to replicate it faithfully.

I belatedly started the Rick and Michonne spin off for the Walking Dead. It’s bad.

That’s brave considering Netflix’s willingness to cut shows at the drop of a hat.

Fallout just dropped. 8 episodes so I’ll be binge watching tonight.

Same, just started episode 1.

Enjoyed the first. I don’t have any emotional links to the game, so not sure if it’s accurate.

It’s very faithful to the game so far. Thought episode 1 was great… getting my hopes up that they might not fuck it up.

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I’m five episodes in and have been pleasantly surprised. Great world building and introduction to different characters/factions whilst remaining faithful to the games. It’s been suitably goofy with the obvious incredibly dark undertones, looking forward to seeing where they take the story.

Personal highlight so far has been Snip Snip in episode four, those interactions were hilarious. Walton Goggins was a great casting as The Ghoul and I didn’t know of Ella Purnell before this show but she’s also very good.

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Finished watching Monarch. Quite enjoyed the show.

Now I’ve started on Fallout and after two episodes can say I love it. Excellent cast. I would love them to have Ron Perlman involved some how but I guess he would have been in the first one if he was. Will probably try to find some time to play the games over the weekend.

Im on 4th episode, also liking it. I will trust you guys to tell me if its still being faithful.

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I was 3/4 of the way through Fallout4 and the save file corrupted. I just couldn’t get into the plotline of the game enough to try again

it’s really just a re-iteration of this old game

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Finally started Shogun. I’m fascinated by the decision to use actual Japanese among all the Japanese characters and while its a bit jarring at first the one English character is so annoying that you’re pleading for it to go back to Japanese quickly enough. Early on, but so far it’s really good even accounting for him.


Managed to see two episodes of The Gentleman today. Seems a fun watch.

80s version had Richard Chamberlain as Blackthorne, and he was sooo much better in the role. Not at all sure why they chose an American and gave him an English accent vs any number of English actors who would have been better in the role, but I’m enjoying it in spite of that.


Amazingly, he considers himself English and still somehow came up with that accent

Anyone watch Baby Reindeer…
Really brilliant and disturbing

My daughter recommended it just today and I already forgot the name. Thanks for reminding me :wink:

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