The TV Thread redux

Not sure I follow, I thought the last episode explained that in the last episode - although perhaps my brain has filled in gaps that wasnt covered?

Finally got round to finishing Dark Winds, enjoyed it. I wonder if there will be a second season?

Iā€™ve been meaning to read books by Tony Hillerman for a long time but never got round to it. I might try a bit harder now

Yeah, thereā€™s a second season

Downhill? Write down the names of the people who told you that and never take an advice from them again. Barry is 10/10!


Looking back at the lore, especially Fallout 4 elements, I believe it could be one of cryostasis, cloning or synths (robot copies of human beings). I could be extremely wrong, though.

The series doesnā€™t even scratch the surface of the lore but itā€™s because of the size and complexity of that universe. If the first two games could have been made into a showā€¦ Now, that would have been awesome.

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The humour definitely becomes less central, and its definitely more nuanced, but when the comedy comes it hits even harder. These scene where Barry is trying to drum home that even Abraham Lincoln has a tricky legacy had me crying, but I know lots of people who didnt pick up the joke.


Not sure why people are incapable of making up their own minds these days. :man_shrugging:

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No you are correct, the last episode (or the one before it, I canā€™t remember exactly) explains that Vault Tec cryogenically froze their own employees and then released them to take over leadership of the vault that was predominantly featured in the show as and when they were needed. It doesnā€™t explain how Moldaver survived over that period of time, but I just assumed that we were supposed to believe she was also frozen and unfrozen in a similar fashion, probably in a different vault owned by a different corporation.

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Instant reward and gratification.
Social media.
Inability to accept dissapointment.
Colour by numbers education.

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Iā€™m wondering whether Magenta will have that in Germany. Somewhat oddly, they showed series 1 in Germany before it came out in the UK.

Undoubtedly will be an absolute car crash

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Not sure how helpful this is eitherā€¦

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I heard his podcast where he said this, and I assume if you know, you know. I was none the wiser.

Mostly what they were commenting about was that they billed the show as ā€œa true storyā€ rather than ā€œbased on a true storyā€ which is the usual legal disclaimer.

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I think, unfortunately, it is an industry where people will nod along knowingly, not realizing they are talking about two completely different known predators.

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I just saw S3 of Hacks started. I didnt bother with S2 as I found S1 only so so, but have nothing else interesting me right now so decided to give it another. Iā€™m finding S2 far funnier than S1 so far.

If somebody could explain to me why Dr Who is now purely about drag queens, lesbianism, being gay and pronouns, Iā€™d be grateful. Weā€™ve not got to the plotline of the Dr being black yet but Iā€™m sure itā€™s coming. Used to be good sci-fi but now crazed agenda jack hammering. Loved how the first of the series gave a not so subtle back story and explanation of who the Dr is for all the new fans the show wants to attract with all the modern messages. Two hearts, check. Gallifrey, check, all the time lords dead, check, heā€™s the last, check, TARDIS, check.

Fuck off fans, we want new ones and we have no interest in you any more.

Anybody would think Disney were in charge.


EDIT. Typed the above before the finale of Ep2. FUCK RIGHT OFF.

EDIT 2. At least Millie Gibson is pleasant on the eyes.

Russell T Davies scoured the Internet until he stumbled upon an obscure football forum, and made it his lifeā€™s mission to piss off a poster called @Klopptimist.

Iā€™m glad that this and the film thread will now go back to the same repetitive complaints.

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@redfanman this is what I was getting at. They introduced both the brain in a jar and cryostasis at the same time, and while that hints at possible explanations they really give you two different explanations for how the dad (or a version of him at least) is still around. And while you can guess that the same answer somehow holds for Moldaver that also leaves other questions.

I dont think the answer is critical, although does have potentially significant implications, but just wondered if I missed anything.

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