The TV Thread redux

Yeah, i’d forgotten that part of Moldover’s story hadn’t been covered. Perhaps it will in season 2. Although, given she knew of the plan behind the vaults, it’s not unreasonablr to assume she had access to one herself with the cryo technology.

inside no.9. excellent weird returning episode.

A must for anyone that likes The league of Gentlemen. Often contains very dark humour.

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Is Inside No 9 all on the iPlayer now? I’m wondering if I can catch up with it when I’m in Liverpool at the end of the month.

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yeah all the series up until the first episode of the new series. should be a few more on by the end of the month from this series too.

Have you watched it?

Yes, just me with an issue in the whole world.

@RedWhippet some episodes are really disturbing, others have made me cry and the revenge type episodes had me thinking …YES! FUCK YOU YA BASTARD! :joy:

the episode with sheridan smith really got me. no idea if you have seen that one!

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Yes. I was still living in Scotland when it was first broadcast. I’ve actually seen the first 8 series. I have a works VPN that I can use to access the iPlayer but they don’t like us using it for nefarious purposes!

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Oh, Disney have screwed up the German dubbing so there are plenty furious with it here having already forked out their subscriptions.

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Personally, the first ep of the new Dr Who was a bit weak, but served to introduce the newer, wider audience to the show. Not awful, but nothing note worthy given I’m not new to the programme. I understand why it was what it was.

The second episode was good, although the musical number at the end was a bit naff for my tastes. I’m enjoying Ncuti Gatwa’s version of the Doctor, its nice to see a happier version for a change, and I thought Jinkx Monsoon did a good job as the villain, albeit a watered down version of Neil Patrick Harris’ Toymaker. I’m curious to see where they go with the celestial beings this season, and already have an idea for who Ruby Sunday is.

Didn’t notice an agenda myself. I’ll be sure to be on the lookout for one in next weeks episode.

I thought they should have done Twist And Shout, which was the song that the real Beatles finished that recording session with. I suppose it depends where they are going with the series arc, but if the Doctor is meant to be fixing changes to time, he has to put it back on track in places.

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Tell me you’re kidding?

The equivalent for those who don’t or haven’t watched would be this.

Liverpool is a football club (and a business) It sells entertainment. It needs to attract as many people as possible by appealing to as many people as possible to maximise income to maximise performance. Concentrating on entertaining a small minority at the whim of a mad CEO would be suicidally self indulgent.

So imagine Slot comes in, only ever talks about how gay he is (the football is irrelevant) spray paints rainbows all over the stadium, employs an all trans coaching staff (who only ever talk about the fact they’re trans), opens a new anti capitalism bar selling over priced drinks, gets the FA to rewrite the rules such that only drag queens can officiate and brings in a rule that every player has to be LGBTetc.

Hyperbolic I know but not a long way from the truth. Could previous doctors have been gay? Doesn’t matter as the show wasn’t purely about the character’s sexuality. Listen to the recent interviews from RTD and NG. If you aim squarely at a niche market, you’re going to alienate your core customers / fans. Not because we have an issue with what a person does with a consenting adult or what they keep in their pants but because what we are interested in (good football read good sci-fi) is no longer what we do or prioritise as it’s been sacrificed on the alter of agenda.

We don’t care about our manager’s sexuality. Why would we. He either plays good football and wins or he doesn’t. What we do expect him to do is concentrate on the important thing. Football. Why the fuck do anything else? Ah……

Oh, we should totally do this!

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What an absolutely stupid, triggering and unnecessary comparison.

Compare a football club to a Sci Fi TV programme content? Throw in a bit of drag queen stuff and mention trans and rainbows for comedy value. To make a fucking inane point about Dr Who?

But you know what you are doing, and it didn’t take too long from your “return” to revert to type.

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The analogy is sound. And as this current series is all about sexuality, how can me mentioning the actual content be triggering?

Why use Liverpool, Slot, Drag Queens, Trans people and rainbows in an argument about a TV show?
There is simply no good reason.

The analogy is far from sound, its ridiculous.

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Because it’s :
a. A pertinent example on a Liverpool forum
b. Accurate

Guessing you’ve not watched any Dr Who of late? If you had, you’d understand. But disagreeing with me is just an occupation for some.

Not an occupation.

Its just easy to disagree with some of what you post, the likes of your “analogy” for example.

There is no point anyway.

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Well try this one then, occurred to me earlier in Tesco.

Let’s say you’re a fan of an LGBT… (let’s call it Z) program which is all about the issues and struggles of that community. Let’s say the lead charachter is constantly at odds with those who wish to belittle, oppress, laugh at and generally degrade them. Let’s say it’s been running for 60 years and has a die hard core following.

Now let’s say that new people are put in charge who immediately set it in space, make it all about monsters, time travel, space ships, quantum physics and timeywimey stuff. The lead actor is now sporting an amazing tech tool and cares more about recalibrating the phase inducers and saving planet A than he does about anything to do with Z. Yeah, he’s still technically the same person but the show is now about a mad man in a box saving the universe, not the struggles of Z

Get me point?

You never answered my question. Have you watched any of the latest season? I suggest you do for this to continue meaningfully.

From what I know of fandom, LGBT folks love that shit.