The TV Thread redux

I’ve not watched the trailer, but is it going to be based around the time of the Butlerian Jihad? The lore around that is potentially very interesting for a show

I think this may be based on one of the books by his son and Anderson.

Just finished Dark Winds S2.
Fantastic show. Great acting, plot, dialogue, setting, scenery. Highly recommend it.



She looks reasonably attractive, ill give it at least a episode.

Mixed bag so far.

I loved the first one with the babies. I really thought it was great.

Not such a fan of the second, which I thought was just daft. And not in a good Dr Who way. Jinx Monsoon was great, and I like seeing more of the Celestials.

But what is the point of doing Doctor Who meets the Beatles if you clearly can’t get the rights to any of the music? It was screamingly obvious that they were writing around not being able to use any Beatles Tracks. And the song and dance number at the end was really crap. If you are going to crowbar a musical number into Doctor Who, the very least you can do is make it a good one.

Don’t listen to people going on about it being Woke. They don’t have the first fucking clue what they are on about.

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I’m always bewildered that self proclaimed fans of a show that famously thrives on reinvention and renewal get cross whenever it reinvents and renews itself.


But it has to reinvent and renew to their standards.

As long as you can distinguish between intelligently reinventing vs being a lazy bunch of fuckwits that just change some random shit in order to line their pockets.

TBH, I don’t think the royalties would have been an issue as Disney is pretty much the home of the Beatles anyway. I suppose the irony is that back in the 1960s when the budget would stretch to a sticky backed plastic monster, they had the actual Beatles on.

I know a few people have suggested that the episode borrowed heavily from the film Yesterday, which was based around the idea of what if the Beatles never made it. My only thought was that having defeated the threat, they should have had something Beatles related.

I get the idea of where they are going with this series, altering reality, I just don’t know if RTD will tie it up satisfactorily. He doesn’t have great form on that.


I tried to find some info on it but I didn’t have much luck. It seems that the first season will focus exclusively on the creation of Bene Gesserit. Again, knowing the financial success (and critical but I’ll be cynical and focus on the financial part) of Villeneuve’s Dune films, it seems that powers that be will do their best to capitalise on this particular intellectual property. Once the trilogy is done, I wouldn’t exclude some prequel films that would explain the likes of Butlerian Jihad.

I’m just interested as to what people think of the various streaming services. I’m thinking of cancelling Netflix because they put their price up again. I checked with the rest of the family and my eldest son doesn’t think it is up to much whereas our youngest likes it.

At the moment, we also have:

Apple+, which we use quite a bit and seems to be good quality.

Disney+, I currently have on a cheap deal from Telekom and is the one my eldest son thinks is best. I like a fair bit of the content although I seem to be the only one who still likes their original family films.

Amazon Prime, I basically regard this as a freebie because I get it for the free deliveries. My wife likes this.

Magenta, again, I essentially get this for the German channels so the additional bits are a bonus.

Sky - I cancelled their films and TV packages. I may subscribe to this for off months if there is significant series that I want to watch.

Obviously, this is a German-centric list and we can also access the various ARD, ZDF, RTL players. I can also access the UK based free players (iPlayer, ITVx etc) but the throughput can be a bit ropey as it is just through our works VPN. (and also of dubious legality).

Is there anything else worth checking out? I’d love to get more stuff with British and Irish comedians on as we don’t really get any of this from the main providers.

What’s the monthly bill for all that?

Loads, that’s why I want to bin some of it.

Apple+ is 10€, Disney is 5€ but will be going up in November. Amazon is 9€ (but I claim that back as much of it is for office supplies), Magenta is included with the broadband, Sky was 15€. Netflix is going up to 14€.

Additionally I have sports subscriptions but I’ve cancelled RTL+ and DAZN because we aren’t in any of their competitions and I’m be cancelling Sky after Sunday’s game and will see what offers I can get for next season.

The trick with the TV subscriptions is to do them monthly and watch them do death. Unfortunately, they are always harder to cancel than to subscribe to.

I use HBO Max, Sky Showtime and Apple+ a lot, I think I would recommend them to anyone willing to sign up for a streaming service (and I’m a devout opponent of anything Apple, by the way). That said, Sky Showtime’s library isn’t as big as that of its competitors but there’s Twin Peaks there and it’s enough of a reason for me to pay the subscription.

My best man has shared his Disney, Amazon Prime and Netflix accounts with me, though Netflix is killing password sharing, meaning that I won’t be using it for much longer.

Disney - if you want to have The Simpsons, The X-Files, Marvel and Star Wars all in one place, it’s an easy decision.

Prime has a few great shows (The Expanse, The Man in the High Castle, Fleabag, Fallout, The Boys) but I don’t know it that warrants more than a few months of paying the subscription in regular circumstances.

Netflix was a decent watch, though I wasn’t big on it after I had finished every show that was of interest to me.

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I did cancel Netflix once before but subscribed again as a Christmas present to the kids when Squid Game was the big new thing.

I’m increasingly finding that there is no compelling reason to watch it. There are some things of interest but it isn’t anything that I would miss.

TBH, the sports channels dwarf what the TV and film ones cost. I’ll have to go for DAZN again if I want to see our CL matches next year. 45€ per month unless you go for a yearly subscription. Even then, some games are still on Prime.

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Have mentioned this before, but I think Netflix turned to shit quite some time ago. Still haven’t cancelled it, because I used to really like a lot of their content and I guess I was hoping they might turn it around. Used to have a whole list of stuff I wanted to watch, now I usually end up opening the app, trying to find anything and then quit after a few minutes of frustrated searching.

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I listen to Richard Osman’s podcast (the TV producer) and he said that Netflix’s business model has moved from making lots of premium, marquee productions to simply retaining their existing subscribers. This means that the highest number of overall steams isn’t from the new $10million production but some 10 year old series that they have bought from another broadcaster for $40,000 for three years.

I think what we are looking at is a case of “what do we really want to watch” rather than aimlessly grazing through the channels looking for something to fill the screen with.

To be honest, with me, you could probably narrow that down to Liverpool games.

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…and Attenborough.

Don’t have Apple TV.

Disney plus has enough content to sink the Titanic. But unless you’re a fan of the old films, there’s little point as pretty much all the new stuff across Marvel and Starwars is at best awful. Put a chick in it and make her gay in the words of Southpark.

Netflix. Sone interesting content and again, loads of it but tends to be more niche, arty, low budget etc

Amazon. Worth it for our saviour Jeremy Clarkson. Love him or loath him, Diddly Squat farm is excellent TV.

VPN and anonymous Google account, ahem…….

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