The TV Thread redux

Just finished Manhunt on Apple. Lots of versions of our history tend to tell stories presenting a great man isolated from what was happening around them…Lincoln was a great man who freed the slaves, Booth was an evil man who assassinated him. This show really tries to broaden the scope of its story, focusing as much on trying to unearth the conspiracy Booth was a part of as they did the hunt for him. It also really elevated Stanton, his close advisor and War Secretary, to the point of treating the emancipation and reconstruction not as Lincoln’s achievements, but those of his administration (which of course, his VP then pissed all over after taking office, the confederate sympathizing cunt).


No, but they could siphon votes from the Conservatives, potentially picking up seats. Last time round he negotiated with Johnson to have them step down to avoid that happening - is he going to do that again? I think that is of interest (otherwise I would agree with you). it’s an odd dynamic that the reform party have with Trice as the leader but Farage owning and controlling what the party does. Perhaps that relationship will strain and break their party and Farage’s popularity.

There was no representative from the Lib Dems, Green Party, SNP or Plaid Cymru on the programme this evening. Okay, you could explain the omission of the last two on geographical grounds (the broadcast was from Epsom), but both the Lib Dems and Greens are more worthy of airtime than Farage.


Latest episode of Dr Who discovers new depths of wankness. Pityful.

Caught up on the last three eps of Dr Who. Good telly and the series is getting stronger as it chugs along.


New Star Wars show drops tonight (not sure about international market) that is, amazingly, being fairly well reviewed. It deals with the time of the High Republic and so is really the first Star Wars story that is not even Skywalker adjacent. About fucking time.


Fairly well reviewed? Rolling Stone panned it then had to pull the review. It’s going to get lynched. Watching it tonight, will happily post how appalling it is. Because I’m an ist and a phobe. #fanbaiting

Director herself said she doesn’t apologise for inserting her queerness into it. Why? Because any criticism can then be dismissed as homophobic. Disney are the masters and yet the figures tumble. Why? Because they’ve alienated the usual Starwars fans to attract a new audience which doesn’t exist. Dr Who sends their regards. If you want to make a female centric show full of lesbian witches and an almost entirely female cast, don’t be surprised when the primarily male audience fucks off. Odd concept I know. Don’t get me wrong. I like lesbian movies but not on D+

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Now looks like the top. Wonder why?


Maybe there was an error with the website, or they temporarily pulled it for editing, because I can access that review fine.

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Struggling with formatting it properly here, my phone doesn’t like this site as much as it used to. Will try and find a laptop or something later.

Yeah IDK they must have put it back up because I can access it. It let me read it all first time but now it asks for a subscription.

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Sounds like Buffy The Vampire Slayer

I’ve lost interest in the Star Wars series but a Band of Brothers style show about a group of Rebels would be fun. Don’t even mention that jedi stuff (other than as some abstract, barely even real thing maybe).


Buffy was written from day 1 about a female vampire slayer in a brand new setting without law, cannon and heritage. The same can’t be said for Starwars. Apparently something happens in Ep3 which is quite epically catastrophic. Can’t wait.

Rogue 1 was pretty much that, great film.

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I just posted on the RIP thread that William Russell has died. He appeared in the very first episode of Doctor Who in 1963 (and also the last before the Disney relaunch)

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Well, it certainly isn’t Dave’s place……