The TV Thread redux

Yeah, I havent seen any of the last couple of series. The only thing that gives me any hope on this one is the timeline, going far enough back to get away from the Skywalkers, fall of the Republic and all the rest of that now tired stuff.


i dont subscribe to the general theory that star wars is stuffed…

actually thought bad batch was pretty decent…give it a try.

Andor was great as well IMHO

the star wars shorts were interesting , and the animation with the nightsister and Baris were really cool

Kenobi and BOBF were hard to like, Mandalorian started of promising but dragged…, its almost as if the Star Wars franchise has more than one target audience and they cant please everyone…

lets face it, the first trilogy released was hardly cinematic perfection… in the first minute the all powerful bad guy litterally lets the robots leave his ship without bothering to follow them…even worse it turns out they were his original robot pets going to a planet where he knows his original Jedi Master is living… not to mention he hasnt turned the universe upside down looking for his children.

thats before you get to the bit about allowing a large planet to be built with a simplistic fault that could destroy it…then…LOL…do it again!!!

whisper it…but maybe…just maybe…people are expecting too much?

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Yeah, it took me a few episodes to get into Andor, it’s a bit slow to get going and is really bleak (which is fine, I just have to be in the right mood for it), but once it got rolling I really enjoyed it.


Yeah me too. It took until THAT monologue by Skarsgård where he talks about what he’s sacrificed for it to really click with me. From there on it was fucking gold.

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Andor was very good. Mando too, as above to start with. Kenobi and BOBF were awful.

Well, they had an audience and have gone to insane lengths to alienate that audience and go after a different one by their own admission. That DEI money is so important.

Well, that was shit :joy:

Two episodes down and nothing close to resembling a redeeming quality in any of it.


Didn’t have much hopes on this one before. Not sure i’ll watch it now.

People need to figure out a way to use the extended Star Wars universe. Those have had good stories.

Clone Wars is pretty good , as is Rebels and Bad Batch. That’s as far as animated series go.

Kenobi and Boba Fett were a steaming pile of shit. Mandalorian lost its way in the third season. Ahsoka was alright and I think the second season will pick up a lot more with the introduction of Thrawn , provided he’s shown correctly.

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I liked season 3. Not as good as first two seasons but still enjoyable.

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Yep, we just watched the 2 episodes. Apart from the trivial forgettable writing, I was amazed at how TVish, small and cheap this looks, the settings and the way it was shot (not even the CGI). No idea where that budget went.


There’s one redeeming quality: it’s better than Ahsoka.


Pretty sure it’s $13,000 per second production budget :flushed:

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Yep, some of the sets looked cheap like school productions.


maybe they figure that the existing audience is prone to complaining about any and everything that doesnt resemble the ‘traditional Star Wars’ (LOL, its sci fi) universe, and figured they’d lose them no matter what they did unless they churned out the exact same show, which would alienate the next stage of Growth…

then maybe they also factored in if they stay relevant to younger audience, with different ideas, those older generation fans would still have to pay for viewing access regardless becuase thier kids want them to…

so maybe its the corporations long term stratergy, and it seems pretty sound when you look at it from a different angle

i.e maybe they are taking a long term additude to it…

not saying they arent prone to fucking it up, theres some dross out there…but, for example, i think those last three movies were dross whether Rey was an all powerful boy/girl/lesbian/unich or anything else…they were just garbage…

i also think the universe benefits from strong female leads (done correctly)…ashoka, fennec shand, nightsisters etc etc


I just thought that they were more or less remakes of the original trilogy. Rogue One and Solo at least tried to be interesting in their own right.

With these kind of things, they need to know their audience. Essentially, Star Wars is action-adventure aimed at a younger / family audience. If they make fan-fiction it will be tedious dross. If they are relying on an in depth knowledge of the politics of the republic or Jedi lore they are going to alienate a new audience and, probably, bore the pants off the existing one.

I think the Mandalorian worked, at least initially, because it owned far more to the films of Sergio Leone than it did to those of George Lucas. In a similar manner, the original Star Wars film owed a great debt to Akira Kurosawa, Metropolis and The Dam Busters.


The problem is that they’ve been doing this with their whole gallimaufry of IP for years and it just keeps failing. Guess what, most of the scifi / superhero audience is male. Who knew?Trying to level that up by putting loads of girlbosses into everything is as sensible as putting guns and lasertanks into romcoms.

But it matches Disney’s agenda so perfectly explained by Southpark. Put a chick in it and make her gay.

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Really enjoyed Rouge 1, good Starwars movie.

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Yeah, only heard his quote about this recently. Bombing run, brilliant idea. Apparently the original rough cut of SW has the acting but the space battles are just live action from WW2 as nobody had ever done it before. The cut was to get the funding to pay for the model work. Still looks good today.

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Is that the one where they’re all applying make-up for two hours?