The TV Thread redux

Yes. It means you are fucking loon seeing things that aren’t there.


So for reference you can’t see that the force is now female? Fuck me sideways…….

Honestly, I cannot present any version of the argument that is remotely justifiable based on what the episode did.

We know from Lucas films the Jedi are not the only people in the galaxy who understand the force. The pretext of the PT is that the Jedi had a closed minded and rigid view of what the force was that over time made them blind to not just other ways the force can be used, but other people who were able to use it. They developed a hubris that allowed the Sith to return and operate under their nose without them knowing and manipulate them. It also led to them going against their instincts to follow a prophecy that ultimately led to their downfall. I call this pretext, but it is so surface level that it is essentially text.

What this show has done is introduced a new community of non-Jedi who understand the force, view their relationship with it differently, and view the Jedi skeptically the same way a non-denominational Christian may view officials from the Vatican. If you’re looking to take on the most high minded complaint it is that this new group undercuts Lucas’ stories by introducing this group and what they have done with the force. But you can only think this if you missed all the pretext from the PT and thought “yeah, the Jedi are right and are the sole owners of the force and everything they say and know about it is right.” I don’t get how someone can misunderstand what is essentially a kids film so badly.

Now, if you want the worst faith, most incomprehensible criticisms, then just read the comments on this thread. A large section of reactionary cryarses have decided that Star Wars have gone woke for the sake of being woke, and so the fact this group are female has in their mind validated their beliefs of Disney now being gender theory propoganda.


By that you mean women have been shown to use the force when they should be back home in the kitchen getting dinner ready


Thanks. I think the problem with a lot of these sprawling franchises is that some fans have too greater sense of ownership over the mythology and will push back against anything that doesn’t fit in with their own idea of what that fictional universe is.

I can kind of understand it when it is the “Bobby Ewing in the shower” kind of revisionism, but mainly they just seem to resist it because it didn’t match their own particular brand of fan-fiction.

From how you describe it, it sounds very intriguing because why wouldn’t a religion have different creeds?

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Good call, the show went downhill as soon as Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s involvement diminished. Season 4 was really poor and the finale is widely regarded as being an absolute disaster.

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just out of interest, is it proven that the viewing figures down due to the introduction of -female/black/bi/gay/etc etc etc- characters?, or are they down because of other reasons?

maybe the figures arent as far down as they would be if a blond haired, blue eyed farm boy kept saving the day every second movie…

just throwing it out there that youve used a statistic (a short term one at that, Maybe Disney are looking at the long term) and just assumed its becuase the reason youve decided not to like the show?

maybe Star Wars is just…meh…to alot of people in 2024…

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I think there is just a saturation of these shows - seems to be a new Marvel show or movie every other week, same with Star Wars. I lost interest a long time ago - I think it’d be more successful in the short term if they waited longer between projects. It also feels like it would hard to jump back into with the way they link it all as one universe. The impression I have is I’d have to dedicate a large amount of time to catching up and, with a lot of that stuff reportedly not well reviewed, that feels like a chore.

I wonder if they are just releasing anything and everything to justify the existence of Disney+? The library is pretty limited compared to other streaming services.


im the opposite…

i want more content across a broad range of (in universe) eras…

to be honest, the animations are a better quality storyline than the real action one…having said that, if you view it from the lense that there will be inconsistencies, then i think each show can be enjoyed on its own merit…apart from the bit in Obi-wan where he smuggled the kid out in a tall trenchcoat…what the hell…

possibly the weakest of all star wars products is the final trilogy… and Rey could have been a Gay Polar bear refugee from the outer rim or a blue eyed, blond haired farm boy, it didnt matter, the movies were pish…

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just on the inconsistencies…if the star wars universe was stuck to lore without compromise, i think you dont even get Ashoka… i mean, this amazing character who was absolutely pivotal in Anakins life didnt make any of the first six movies…she should never have been created, but that she was is a perfect example of why its important to try to disconnect the dots if it helps the show

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The streaming services are moving from trying to get new subscribers to retaining existing ones. Netflix biggest shows are generally not the big budget eye catching ones, but 10 year old series from other broadcasters that will keep their subscribers a couple of months away from the cancellation button.

Disney is a bit different in that they have content that viewers (or a subset of them) will watch over and over again: Disney and Pixar films, Marvel, Star Wars etc.

I think this is why they have invested in Doctor Who, it’s a similar model.

But a Star Wars fan will keep rewatching old shows and is then drip fed the odd new series every few months to keep the subscriptions going.


If anyone is interested in a new animated sci-fi show, can recommend Scavengers Reign, on Netflix. Only watched a couple of episodes so far, but it really nails that ‘stranger in a strange land’ vibe with plenty of imagination and body-horror on show. Really enjoying it.


Well, I heard it argued that casting Dr Karen to play Dr Who just happened to coincide with poor writing. Nothing to do with almost every story being heavily political and about evil white men. Star wars falling off a cliff because their episodes are crammed with identity politics or because they’re crammed with identity politics and just happen to have bad writing too. Think of the original 3 films and reconcile that with an episode about communist lesbian space witches who all reach some kind of mutual cultist orgasm as a child is welcomed into their sisterhood. Yeah, that’s Starwars for sure.

i cant point to bit in the first trilogy where there was a commune of witches, theres no democracy in there either…the rebels are a splinter group who have decided what is right for the rest of the universe…

as for a witches coven of (maybe. probably) lesbians, its pretty stock standard stuff for a sci fi or hi fantasy universe to be honest, and more teenage boy fantasy than a depiction of female superiority…i mean, i thought they were rather weak female characters hiding from the Jedi, argueing amongst themselves and easily defeated…i just dont see why it has to be an agenda instead of just a storyline…

i can agree Rey was agenda driven, captain Phasma, a whole host of others, but this witches coven who may or may not be the seed of the nightsisters (star wars lore) who are easily defeated…

ultimately though, they cant keep having the blue eyed, blond haired all american farm boy as the perpetual hero…


TBH, I thought Star Wars was all made up. I didn’t realise that it was a fucking documentary.


while its not a documentry as such, i always assumed it was based on factual events that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away…


Latest episode of Dr Who is absolutely bloody awful with biblical levels of nonsense and stupidity, You’d need to have a lobotomy to even have the chance to think down to its level.

Oh and the Dr looking terrified. The Dr. The fucking DOCTOR!!! Shock, awe, surprise yes but even when confronted with the foulest denizens of the universe, the Dr is never terrified. Why? (Thanks Terry) Because he is the most dangerous being in the show.

Personally I liked it.

Been a good season, apart from the space babies, hope they stick the landing

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One of the great things about having someone on ignore is that you get to guess what they are saying.

Personally, I think a bigger mystery than anything in Doctor Who is why someone has now invested over five hours of their life into watching a TV series they were absolutely determined not to like from the first minute.


That sounds like 90% of Doctor Who fans anyway.

I was at a Doctor Who convention on the Wirral a couple of weeks back and made the joke that when Cave Of Skulls (the second ever episode in 1963) was shown there were people complaining that it wasn’t as good as it used to be.

That got a laugh, but someone piped up that is wasn’t as good as the first one…