The TV Thread redux


Iā€™d hate to be the kind of fan who stops watching because itā€™s all gone to shit. Odd comment for a football forum I know.

I just think that lifeā€™s too short to subject yourself to media you donā€™t enjoy.


Unless what you enjoy is complaining about how wokeness has stollen things from you


Watched Liverpool under Roy, whatā€™s the difference? Just because somebody injects all their own personal agendas into a show and employs people who perfectly match their own view of the world shouldnā€™t stop me from watching and criticising. Or is it the case that I should (as the main actor suggested) just go out and touch grass?

Iā€™m not keen on having the things I love taken away from me. Stopping watching when it all goes Pete Tongue (like what I did there?) isnā€™t my style.

Youā€™ll point out where Iā€™ve used that lazy phrase. Good look there.

I did respond to an accusation about the GWGB brigade I think but that was quoting / referencing somebody else.

Fuck sakeā€¦Stollen. I do have TDS

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See, I gave up watching us under Woy. Because lifeā€™s too short.

As for Dr Who, been catching up with it this weekend. My unbiased view is that the space babies were silly, didnā€™t enjoy the performance of the Maestro in episode 2 (whole thing felt more like a pantomime) and the third one, Boom, was pretty good.

I like Ncuti, though, and Ruby.

Iā€™ll keep watching, but been a little bit of a mixed bag so far. The kids have enjoyed it, though.

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Just watched the last one again. Never in the history of Dr Who has the lead character looked terrified. As Jnr said earlier, heā€™s acting like a human, not a timelord.

Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m going to have to break my no reply embargo for this.

ā€œIs that fear I can feel in your mind? You are not accustomed to feeling frighted are you Doctor? You are very wise to be afraid of me.ā€

Planet of the Spiders (1974)

Ntcuti is much more emotional than any Doctor before him. But the idea that the Doctor has never been terrified is nonsense.

If you are going to state absolutes about Doctor Who, get your facts right. Youā€™re dealing with proper nerds.


There is a world of difference between a football club and a TV show. You only sign up for unconditional support for one of those.

TV shows are there to entertain you, and Iā€™ll never understand why people persist with long running shows that they absolutely hate, because they liked it in the past.

This series of Doctor Who has been a huge improvement on the Jodie Whitaker run. I liked Space Babies, Thought the Devilā€™s Chord was patchy, loved Boom, thought Dot and Bubble was amazing, and Rogue was alright.

73 Yards was the big let down, because I was told it was brilliant, best story ever territory, and I thought it wasā€™t half as clever as it thought it was, and there were elements of it that I thought were downright irresponsible.

Very clever. I have been unable to characterize 4+ years of your tiresome complaints with a single verbatim quote of yours, therefore my paraphrasing of said complaints is invalid.

Again, you a very clever boy and totally to be taken seriously


As close to an apology as Iā€™ll ever get from you I suppose.

Can I just highlight this word for the general public please? Thanks.

Itā€™s standard sci fi/fantasy online discussion

Could change that to: first episode of Dr Who is directed by a gay Indian man and itā€™s biggest villains are representative of far right groups, itā€™s the gay woke agenda

NuWho brought back under a gay showrunner who includes pan sexual characters such as Captain Jack, River Song, and has the Dr say human approaches to sexuality and gender are severely limited. Itā€™s the gay woke trans agenda.

DisneyWho has Gatwaā€™s Dr mention going through therapy in his very first episode and now openly feels things instead of burying trauma behind fake personas because heā€™s healthier now. Also he kisses a dude and a trans character exists. Oh and the dr was a woman a couple of regenerations ago, so unrealistic. Itā€™s the gay woke trans agenda.

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watched the Hunger Games (not sure which oine, 2 or 3 i think) with my daughter yesterday, i have seen it before, but now shes ok with that type of content ill watch againā€¦

was weirdly thinking to myself (and having a chuckle)ā€¦ā€˜good movie thisā€¦but that Klopptomist bloke on TAN would bust a valveā€¦ā€™


Why? For some reason nobody actually reads what I post. They just assume I donā€™t like XYZ for any vague reason they choose.

As it happens I love the first book. Film was fine. Second book is the same and the third we see coming from the first chalter of the first book. What boiled my blood was when (whatever the lead actresses name is, Katniss) said in an interview that she was playing the first ever female lead in an action movie. You fucking cineilliterate moron. Hang onā€¦ā€¦

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I present to the jury Lynda Carter


When Jodie Whitaker was cast, there were lots of online grunts complaining because you donā€™t get female timelords (despite the fact that there were several in the 1970s and 80s), but if you go back to the very first episode, literally the first main character we see is the Doctorā€™s granddaughter.

I saw Waris Hussain speaking at a convention a few years ago and he said that they had to be very careful at the time not to show the characters having any romantic involvement at all, even though it was implied that Ian and Barbara were a couple and the Doctor has a romantic interest in the first series for which which the producers were ticked off about.

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Well, getting the younger audience onboard was absolutely worth dropping approx 8m viewers per episode.