The TV Thread redux

Anyway, FWIW, the latest episode of the Acolyte was pretty cool. Sure it still has quality issues and cheesiness, but the general story it is revealing is pretty cool.


You need a hamster in a robe to track a Jedi? Given that in cannon we have scanners, trackers and Jedi/Sith who can sense force users? Nah, fuck that, weā€™ll go for something we hope will sell as a toy. You think Iā€™m kidding? All about the merch. Itā€™s a ā€œbetterā€ episode but thatā€™s like saying that the prequel trilogy is better than the sequals.

Itā€™s a massive shame as Iā€™m probably one of the top 3 Disney fans in our house. Love Disney, love the parks, love the man, love the original ethos. Now itā€™s verging on a parody of GWGB.

I find it hard to believe there are three people who love Disney more in the whole of the UK, never mind your house.


Yeah, youā€™d think. How many people do you know whoā€™ve sat at the bar in the membersā€™ bar in Club 33 watching Fantasmic?

Friday Night Lights is utterly wonderful, but possibly the worst marketed show ever. It is so much more than a show about football, but so many women who would absolutely love it are turned off by that being how it is pitched. I bet if it was called something generic like ā€œDillon, TXā€ it would have more fans (or ā€œthis is usā€). Lost is the only Network show I have ever done a full rewatch of. This is the only other one I would ever consider doing.

The last episode with Taylor telling Wallace (heā€™ll always be Wallace) that heā€™ll never know how proud of him he isā€¦ā€œyou saved my life, coachā€

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I mean that is literally the MO of Star Wars. Do you remember the late 70s when Star Wars stuff were the top selling toys.

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Wasnt it Star wars that kicked off the trend?


Thereā€™s a Wikipedia article on it here. Itā€™s sounds like the toy companies picked on Star Wars after Close Encounters didnā€™t offer up any marketing opportunities.

I think what @Klopptimist was alluding to was coming up with a toy idea and writing a film to go with it, which I suspect Disney have done on occasion.

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The He Man cartoons were created as a direct result of Mattelā€™s angst at turning down the Star Wars toy contract. As soon as they saw how big it became they started searching for their version and so commissioned an animation studio to make them a show to go along with a new toy line they were developing.


Tbf to all of you who told me to watch that awful Shark Under Paris move, it did predict this:

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but its as it ever was?

what were the Ewoks?..fundamentally pivotal to the story?

its just star wars being star warsy

Finale of Who was uneven for my money. Some strong elements and some bits falling quite short.

Overall a decent season of telly, but didnā€™t end as highly as last weeks episode made me hope it would. Will watch the next season.

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Sounds like it might be a typical RTD finalƩ, which always feels a bit of an anticlimax after a great build up.

I donā€™t think I will be watching until tomorrow night as my wife is working nights (unless the kids want to see it before).

Regarding the toys, my brother is on the cusp of completing a serious deal associated with a big new educational cartoon series. The charactersā€™ designs went through the toy manufacturers (who made several changes) before they were animated. Itā€™s all about the merch. Literally change the hair to this and it will be cheaper.

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part of me wants it to be inclusive to the point of saturationā€¦then if you dont mind flick us a video of a family get togetherā€¦

Now how could this be? Fans (in the main) not keen but professional critics do? The word shill leaps to mind.

My sisterā€™s very female if that helps? I had quite a nice suntan last year and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve seen my wife kiss Jnr at some point so bar disabled, think we have all the bases covered. Although that doesnā€™t embrace my hearing and visual privilege. Damnā€¦ā€¦

Both extremes seem ridiculous to me. Only watched as far as 73 Yards so far, but overall Iā€™d put it at a solid 7/10 so far pushing towards a 7.5

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Each to their own I guess. Recently watched all of Tennant through Matt Smith. Genius writing, brilliant acting and although a clunker here and there, fantastic scifi. Gatwa is a brilliant charismatic force. Achingly enthusiastic and a joy. But if heā€™s written like a coward with the priority being his personal identity, heā€™s not ā€œaā€ doctor let alone ā€œtheā€ doctor. If your fav episode is 73, says a lot about the new doctorā€¦ā€¦

Itā€™s called review bombing. Organised groups (who more than likely havenā€™t even seen the show) post negative reviews in an attempt to harm an IP.

The reverse is studios paying PR firms to get overly positive reviews.

Personally, I avoid the likes of Rotten Tomatoes because it is so easily manipulated, particularly with new productions.