The TV Thread redux

Ahhhhh, review bombing. Of course. Sadly, that’s the cryof the show runners / production companies who’s output does not sit well with the fans. Why would anybody review bomb something they actually liked? Ever left a negative review for a hotel / restaurant you enjoyed?

Moses Ingrahms (spelling?) was briefed in advance of her role in Obi W that she’d get racist abuse on Twitter which then magically appeared. Wonder how that happened.Not like Disney would create sock puppet accounts to create a news story about racist fans therefor all criticism of the show was racist. Fan baiting it the issue, not review bombing.

As for the latest video from The Acolyte’s star, that’s just priceless.

There are huge numbers of bigots who write negative reviews about businesses that they want to damage. They will openly encourage people on Twitter and the like to post poor reviews.

TBH, I don’t think fans have a problem with it. I was at a Doctor Who convention a few weeks back and everyone was loving it. There was a brief show of hands for anyone not happy and the only criticism was that the series was too short.

I’m not even sure what you mean by “fan baiting”. I know Steven Moffat would put in things to wind up the Ming Mongs, but that was pretty obvious.

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Dr Who conventions, members clubs at Disney World…

Simpsons Nerds

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Why would anyone who’s not a fan attend the convention ?

Where did I say it was my favourite?

Well, according to @Klopptimist, it’s the fans that now have a massive problem with the series.

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I don’t think you understand what review bombing is.

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Even if some fans have a problem with the series , Those fans are more likely to skip going to the conventions. The responses of the fans at the conventions wouldn’t be the true metric.

For every 1 person who’s there at the convention , There would be 1000’s who wouldn’t.

Yeah, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a boycott, convention-goers are a very niche segment of any fanbase, not to mention the issues of proximity to it, travel etc.

And it’s not a convention specifically for the current series, I imagine there was a huge focus on the past seasons, so of course would attract people who might be fans of ‘classic Who’ who don’t like the new series.

That’s like saying people who don’t like Discovery wouldn’t attend a Star Trek convention.


And neither are the various nutjobs who never watch a show and review bomb it.

The metrics that count are total viewing figures (or more likely reach) and the Audience Appreciation Index which is an independent, statistically valid figure.


Trust me, I do.

Who’s still watching it to leave the reviews?

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Who’s saying these people have actually watched it. I would think a significant number have just seen the negative criticism online and joined in the dogpile. That’s what review bombing is.


People with so much time on their hands they review things they’ve not seen to crush it? Do you work for the BBC? Come on, that’s really pushing the boundaries of plausibility.

Yes, it is absolutely a thing. Happens with games (ie on Steam) as well. People love to shit on stuff even if they’ve not experienced it first hand.

That’s why I said you don’t seem to understand what review bombing is.

For a massive amount of people out there, simply being told something is ‘woke’ is enough of a dog-whistle for them to attack it.


Now ask yourself why would they do this? Would you like a compendium of fan baiting videos? There are lots. The link you posted is “an” explanation for it. Could be that company X makes a shit product and gets canned for it. Easier to blame it on the internet morons who just leave negative reviews on things they haven’t experienced because they’re sheep. Might be a percentage but not enough to leave a sub 20% score.

And then we get this. Ha. Hahahahahah. Hahahahahahahhahahaha….

I would say the vast majority of people don’t write a review at all, whether they like a show or not.
There’s a whole ecosystem of youtubers etc that make a living off of nothing else than this anti-woke entertainment frenzy. Lots of fanboys that seem obsessed with the whole thing. It’s a weird culture war.


If you think that everyone leaving a negative review on RT is a sincere assessment from someone who has watched it and independently reached their own opinion of it, then I have a bridge to sell you.


Yes, just as politics became so severely polarised a decade or so ago, that same polarisation now seems to have touched other parts of our culture. It honestly feels like it’s more or less impossible now to have a good-faith, non-agenda driven discussion on popular media these days.