The TV Thread redux

How many times did you post critical things about the little mermaid remake (without seeing it) and inserted it into a general thesis about Go Woke Go Broke?

How much good faith do you think the rest of the people reading it assume of you given that it was shown to actually outperform your personal favourite, Dead Reckoning, you didn’t reevaluate for a second.


Good to know who’s head ai live in.

What an absurd response. You have again hijacked the thread and demonstrated a lack of self awareness to question the existence of a practice you repeatedly perform. That is not living in someone’s head, it is directly responding to comments in a thread I’m reading that have yet again taken it into cultural grievance territory.


You clearly remember something I posted years ago. Do you charge by the week or is it cash at the end of the month?

A grown man being upset about a black mermaid ruining hollywood and his favourite movie studio? Incessantly, over a span of weeks? Yes, I remember it the same way I remember the homeless guy who used to moon cars at one of the main highway exits into downtown.

Maybe if you better remembered the various absurd stuff you’ve said you would be more inclined to recalibrate your ideas. Is the forgetting tactical?


Recalibrate? Sorry. left my bottle of NAMAS calibrated CO/N mix (206ppm) at the office.

Larry Kasdan destroyed Star Wars


This may be a spoof as it was long a joke amongst fans. Very believable, though.


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I’ve been watching quite a bit of Bob’s Burgers recently. Doesn’t hit the highs other American animations such as the Simpsons/Futurama/South Park, but is a reliably good show to unwind with.


We watched that right through. My wife is a big fan of Linda for some reason.


I thought it fell into same traps as a lot of the reboot era finales. You don’t have a clue what is going on, nothing makes sense, but look at the CGI and don’t worry about it. I generally prefer to know what’s going on.

Overall the series has been a solid 7/10. A few absolute corkers, a few average one, a few stinkers.


On the subject of review bombing, I think it’s appropriate to remember that today’s online (it’s always online) sci-fi fans are basically scum.

It’s ironic that a genre that thrives on imagination and possibility, attracts and cultivates such boring, bigoted, closed minded arseholes.

Review bombing is absolutely a thing.


Oh, and Doctor Who fans have been finding reasons to dislike the show since the seventies.

The reason the programme died in the eighties was because of the producers chasing approval from an increasingly small clique of fanatics, while disregarding the general audience. Once uber-fans got themselves embedded in the production as unofficial continuity advisors, the show was doomed.

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agree with the science fic fan comment…although not sci fi, but high Fantasy, it kinda took on a new level with GOT, as the show got progressively worse each season, its almost like the show was a side product of the theorising and disection…

extremely unique show in that it started as possibly some of the best TV ever made and finished as some of the worst…i dont think any other show has ever had such a range…

Star Wars has always been star warsy, with some being really good, and some being really poor, but even at its best moments, its still quite childlike.

Dr Who is similar, can say ive seen enough Dr Who as it doesnt really stoke my interest, but everytime i do, its not a million miles away from what i expect…

LOTR various franchises all flirted with the real tale, without being anything other than a great story told reasonably well, with great cinematography…

Bond is Bond, start trek is…well…out of my comfort zone.

but GOT, that was so ridiculously tanked i agree with Klopptomist that sometimes shows are tanked on purpose to create a fan frenzy…

GoT wasn’t tanked intentionally, it started going downhill once the show had overtaken the published novels. The word at the time suggested they were at least following the bones of what GRRM had envisaged, although interviews with him since then suggest this was not the case.

It’s simply that it was good for the first 4-5 seasons because it was based on fantastic novels, but once they ran out of published materials the showrunners were shown up as being talentless hacks.


It is always important to consider that George hasn’t figured out a way to satisfactorily wrap up the story either. It is always far easier to world build than it is close out the story.


yep in know the official line, but even a two year old could have come up with a better last season…

hell…if they had somehow inserted Jar jar Binks and the gungans into it, it would have made more sense…thats how bad it was…and thats why my special spidey senses tell me there was more at play than just two incapable people running the show for three full seasons…

There’s a saying about not attributing to malice what can be explained by incompetence…


Preaching to the choir there mate… :cry: