The TV Thread redux

Watching Let’s kill Hitler again.

Dr “Never run when you’re scared”

Odd how easily canon is forgotten.

You mean like Tennants 10 running away from his fate as long as possible and being shit scared of the ood singing at him? :wink:

Ever think you might be taking a kids show a bit too seriously?


It’s all fiction.

Don’t take it so seriously; you might live longer.


Only got round to watching the three recent specials the other days, I would add DT cacking himself at the mimic creatures in Wild Blue Yonder.

It’s not a new phenomenon by any means.


“You want me to be afraid? Well, congratulations. I am the Doctor, and I am afraid”

11th Doctor. Hide.

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Behind his mother’s skirt.

Even if it were, the Doctor after regenerating often displays different characteristics anyway doesn’t he, so there is no reason why he could suddenly be afraid even if in his former incarnations he wasn’t ?


The fact is that most writers are concerned with trying to make an enjoyable television programme. If they want to come up with some labyrinthine plot that relies on off-screen lore and throw away lines from 60 years ago that form “canon” then there is always fan fiction.

Doctor Who is a fundamentally simple concept: Mad bastard in a dodgy time machine that lands him in trouble - adventure ensues. The main character traits are that he is supposed to do good, and relies on wits rather than weapons.

It’s the simplicity that makes it enjoyable.



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I wish there was a Doctor Who thread.


I actually gave up on online Doctor Who forums years ago because of the number of utterly disagreeable twats that they seemed to attract. Oddly enough, when I’ve met fans in real life, they always seem to be lovely people.

Anyway, has anyone seen “Douglas Is Cancelled”? I’m intrigued by it but can’t get a reasonable idea of what it’s like because of the sort of disagreeable twats that make Doctor Who forums unbearable.


Hasn’t changed much eh… or maybe he has if you can’t guess who it is first attempt

The geezer from the chase


MC Hammer

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Decided to rewatch Garth Marenghis Dark place. Still absolutely stellar


I have cut the cord on all television viewing during the summer.

Other than Azerbaijani Cooking on YouTube. For some reason, watching hours of central Asian couples prepare meals outside over fire pits without dialogue, is marvelously soothing.


I don’t think there’s a lot of good stuff out there at the moment. The police shows are really struggling to find anything new in the genre and some of the more interesting shows are ending or running out of steam.

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We got to watch Douglas Is Cancelled at the weekend (all 4 episodes) and I’d say it is well worth watching. However, it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. In typical Steven Moffat style, it isn’t a linear story and the perspective changes over time.

I did find episode 3 a hard watch - not the drama, which was fine, but the subject matter. Karen Gillan was exceptional in it. I’m not sure if the ending entirely works, but it does raise some serious points about abuse of power.

The only man to have written more books than he has read.

I’m loving Manny Jacinto as the “bad guy” in the Acolyte and there were some hints in last night’s episode of his background (his scar).

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