The TV Thread redux

Dark Matter - the textbook case of modern mid tv. Big name film actors, a big concept, a sense of gravitas about the whole production, but in the end still utterly forgettable. The day of tv being produced by the new streamer = prestige TV is officially dead.

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Not sure if this is the correct threadā€¦butā€¦HELP!!!..just need info on SKY. At the moment we have skyhd+ā€¦cause the broadband here was rubbish. Its now uptodate and we were thinking about changing to SKY Qā€¦any thoughts pleaseā€¦sky website is a bit vagueā€¦

Started re-watching the mandalorian again :see_no_evil:

So sad Carl Weathers wont be around to be in the movie or future episodes if any are made.

Bodkin on Netflix is very enjoyable.

Iā€™d forgotten about that show. It seemed to get some mixed reviews - people seemed to either love or hate it.

Iā€™ll give it a watch.

Which is why you should always watch these programmes and make up your own mind.

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Yes, watch every single show that comes out and make up your own mind.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s been mentioned here before, has anyone seen a recent TV show called Evil? Can anyone recommend it or dissuade me from watching it?

Finished The Acolyte, and I really donā€™t see where the hatred came from. It was absolutely fine, if not up to the standard of Andor or the first couple of Mando series, it was streets ahead of some of the other Star Wars stuff.

At best it gave an interesting view of The Force, and flaws in the Jediā€™s self-appointed right to be its sole users, and their dogmatic view point leading to questionable moral compromises. This version of the Jedi Order had definitely gone stale and lost connection with what they were supposed to be. It leadā€™s nicely into setting up their failings in the Prequel Trilogy.

As for the backlash, whatā€™s the problem? Is it because the twins are girls? Fucking grow up man babies.


I really enjoyed the first season. Itā€™s not as serious, but it has a bit of an X Files vibe to it, both in terms of having a central mythology they developed while dealing with monster of the week type episodes. It was levels above normal network tv, but from the second season they took it off the basic network and moved it onto the subscriber only streaming service so I didnā€™t bother with any of the rest. I read it just got cancelled though and so not sure what that means for a possible resolution to the central plot.


I think in the Disney era, only Andor and Rogue One were better. It definitely had some production value issues and a couple of areas of questionable character/plot development, but it at least felt like a show produced because someone had a story to tell, and one that was recognizably star wars pulling on a thread lots of fans would have had thoughts about after the prequel trilogy. Pretty much everything else they have produced under Disney except for the two mentioned above felt like they were something that was backed into just because Disney needed SW content. Even the Mandalorian, which was the best of that bunch, doesnt feel like it really added anything to the Star Wars universe to me. It was enjoyable for what it was, but as substantial and memorable as candy floss. I havenā€™t yet got around to the third season, not because I didnā€™t like and so made a choice to avoid it, but because I didnā€™t enjoy the first two seasons enough to make a point of watching the third yet.

Iā€™ve already given my thought on the very rapid criticisms of the show with earlier comments and nothing that happened in the later episodes really changes that and honestly just showed those complaints to be even sillier and sillier.

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Acolyte grew nicely as a show, up there with the better star wars content.

the arrogance of the jedi who are, indeed fallible, despite what we are led to believe in early star wars lore(you knowā€¦the ReAl StAr WaRs)ā€¦and the seeds of the Sithā€¦very well done.

could pick some holes in a few things, but nothing that destroys the overall storyā€¦i mean i can pick holes in ā€˜The Wireā€™ if i had toā€¦

im torn on whether there should be a second season, i can see them really stuffing that upā€¦but they did leave the door open when they hinted to a more established sith looking out the caveā€¦was he the real master that they were aware of?, or was he just influencing from the shadows like a pupeteer?..the Yoda bit was silly, i thought it was set 1000 years before a new hope? when we know yoda was 900 in TESBā€¦unless its a Yoda like being, and we learn that they are critical to the Jedi , which then revolves back nicely to Grogu actually being important instead of a cute cuddly toy with force capabilities



That was Darth Plagueis, Palpatineā€™s master

As for the timeline, it is fine. It is 132 years before the events of RotJ (BBY for nerds). I think the only issue with the timeline was people complained that Yoda should he been present and wasnt (the universe is big, just because you dont see him doesnt mean he wasnt somewhere), and that one of the Jedi from one of the earlier episodes (the guy with the big pointy head) had previously in some source been given an age that meant he shouldnt have been around at this time. The first is an obviously silly criticism, the second might be true but pretty trivial.

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132 yearsā€¦okā€¦ i thought i read 1000ā€¦

now im trying to mentally figure out that if the spooky dude in the shadow was Palpatines master, that within 132 years Palpatine looks about 300 years oldā€¦this Sith shit really ages you doesnt itā€¦

Canā€™t describe just how happy I am to see this. ā€œUnderratedā€ doesnā€™t begin to cover it, hopefully more people find it interesting once itā€™s remastered. I know I canā€™t wait to see it in that format.


Thatā€™s great news, I just need to find out how to access Peacock in the UK now, if we even have it (is there another platform they broadcast through in England?)

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Canā€™t wait, Iā€™m one of those annoying people who mentions The Wire every five seconds but Iā€™ve never seen this before.


Me too. Iā€™ve wanted to see this ever since The Wire.


HOTD boiling up very nicely.

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Ah fuck. There was a long standing hold out of music rights and I saw David Chase say something about that had finally been resolved and meant to come on here and tell you. It happened shortly after Andreā€™s death and so people were responding to it like a deal done in his honour :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: