The TV Thread redux

@Limiescouse Just caught up to the most recent episode of For All Mankind. Enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I think the show kind of works as a prequel for The Expanse; I’m sure someone is about to point out how that doesn’t work beacause of some minute detail I overlooked. :see_no_evil:


Rings of power season 2 is much better than season 1 - I’m enjoying this season quite a bit.

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Watched the first episode of the new BBC version of Rebus tonight. I read some of the novels about 10-20 years ago which I really enjoyed. I can only really remember that he was a heavy smoking, heavy drinking cop who liked listening to and referencing 80’s music. Judging by the opening of the show, it may be moving away from that which would be a shame.

I still enjoyed the show, and it does have some of that sharp wit from the books but it isn’t quite the same.

When I think of Rebus, I think Robbie Coltrane’s Cracker was a better fit than either of the two shows of Rebus, in much the same way that Robocop was that decade’s Judge Dredd.

I am still conflicted. I think it is a joy to watch any Tolkein put to screen (apart from Jackson’s awful Hobbit shite) so I am enjoying it, and probably would be even if it was far worse than it is. But I am confused and disappointed at some of the decisions they have taken with the plot. There is so little of this era actually told by Tolkein that they were always going to have to fill in a lot of blanks themselves, but what plot details they do have they have ignored and I just find that really grating. Especially as I don’t see that any of those decisions had to be made to accommodate some of the shifts they’ve had to make for TV (condensing 5000 years into a single human generation). Nothing justifies taking Galdriel, a character noted for her immediate rejection of Annatar, and portraying her someone too easily fooled by Sauron’s disguises and treachery.

But it’s fun so most probably wont care about any of that. It just feels like it could be so much more. I did like Bombadil’s appearance last week though.

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Who do you think those decisions would have been down to?

The reason I ask is that I’m a huge fan of Warhammer material and they are trying to get a deal agreed with Amazon for shows/ movies to be made of its 40k (dark futuristic) universe, with perhaps its more tolkienesque fantasy stuff to follow. But Games Workshop are notoriously picky about how others use the lore of their worlds and as a result have not had any luck in getting companies to make films/ shows using their material before.

I don’t see why it would be anyone other than the two showrunners just making decisions about the story they want to tell.

There is reporting that the Tolkein estate is involved in an advisory capacity and is happy with the adaptation, but since Christopher stepped back (and died) I dont think any of the rest are remotely as invested in the creative/story telling side of the estate.

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I’ve read the hobbit and lord of the rings multiple times, but never got into the silmarillion, so i don’t really know all the fine details of what is supposed to be happening, so I’m sure that helps me out. I’m just enjoying it without worrying about the source material.