The TV Thread redux

For as much as I’ve blathered on about not being enthused about the new one, last night’s episode was good.

But that’s maybe because I watched 4 episodes of the Terminal List before that, and fuck me what a pile of shite that is. If Dan Bongino and Gina Carano got together to make a tv show it would be not far from this.


As a huge fan of the books I’d say up until they overran the books the GoT show was great, in fact groundbreaking!

Problem with HoD (the book, and consequently the Tv show) is that there is no existential threat (The Others/forever Winter) and no overarching mystery (who is the child of Rhaegar and Lyanna).

Well…so far at least.

Also Matt Smith isn’t very good.

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It’s also 1 dimensional. This is like Rob leading an army against Joffrey if we ignored the plots centered in Essos and at the wall.

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No Dorne, no North, no Free Cities (yet)

Wait, what plot at the Wall? Did I miss something?

No, I’m saying that one of the things that made GOT fascinating was the numerous different arcs that weren’t obviously connected but you knew had to come together eventually. This isn’t.



And the book is the same. After a few chapters you can spot the pattern of events repeating.

GRRM’s writing style is still sharp and captivating but without the great underlying story it starts losing its lustre very quickly.

Still better than The Rings Of Fuck Off JRR will be.

How do you know? Was kinda looking forward to that

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Have you seen the trailers? Warrior Galadriel? Really???

Ohh is that who that was!!

Hmmmmm, yes. And already a hundred other problems.

There’s black people in it. And the Elves rap


what do you mean by 'the elves rap?"

It was a joke about @Klopptimist dislike of Hamilton


Dislike is an understatement of “I hope United have a mildly bad season” proportions. You might have an issue with black people, I presume that wasn’t aimed at me?

Struggling to get through The Staircase, finding it boring as fuck and it’s very very long.

But with that said I do want to see the final outcome.

Couldn’t do it. Got bored and stopped following

They are giving the base of the show…but surely they will expand the scope? Whatever those crab things are…and I’m sure Dorne will be involved somehow. Don’t know any of the source material for this…but seems like they could scope out very easily now that we have good feel for all the ‘main characters’

Looks well received :wink:

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