I’d perhaps wait for a review from a paper that doesn’t also hate rapping black elves.
The Gruaniad gives it 4/5. Most reviews seem positive.
I’d noticed that Neil Gaiman likes it on the basis that it isn’t as tedious as the Silmarillion.
It’s complaining that demi god beings who cannot die a natural death, many of whom had previously lived in the land of the gods among the gods themselves, are portrayed with a different tone and imagery than other beings of middle earth.
It may well be shit, and there are a lot of obstacles to overcome in telling the story successfully (a span of 5000 years with only rough milestones of the major events laid out by the writer), but I’m not going to take seriously a review from someone questioning why this story is being attempted when fans of Tolkein have been clambering for it for years.
Is the BBC better for you?
It’s left wing
What is your problem with that? It’s difficult to read any of the stuff this is based on and not think she’d be exactly front and center in any fight against Sauron.
She is essentially the only close relative of Finwe who left Valinor and escaped the Doom of Mandos and is still alive at the time of this show. Even during the time when the sons of Finwe were still alive she is explicitly name checked as being among the most powerful of the Noldor.
While the rest of the Noldor went into exile in an act of vengeance against Morgoth and to reclaim the Silmarils, she is given a different motivation - to finds lands that were hers to rule over. Sauron’s rise in the period of this show is a direct affront to that.
She was also the first to detect the deceit of Annatar and so was on Sauren watch way earlier than the rest of her people.
You wish. You give me a single quote from JRR from the text Amazon are allowed to produce from (presume you’ve googled what that is) that mentions Galadriel being an ork hunting badass warrior. What’s wrong with it? You either stick to the cannon or you insert all your own agendas into the show. Remind me of the description of elves? Dwarf women with no beards? Pratchett would have a field day. That’s before we start on the timings, the geography, the shite costumes and the horrific gender and identity politics. Don’t pretend to be being true to Tolkien’s world when what you’re actually doing is trying to remake HIS world in your image. Can’t find the rest of the trilogy ATM but her’s my copy of TTT. Bandy words any time you wish.
I’m a massive fan and I’ve not been clamouring for Amazon to destroy the lore of my beloved books.
The book doesn’t mention her taking a dump, but I know she has.
I’m at a loss as to how to respond to that given you claim to have not only read the other sources outside of the main two books but are a massive fan of it all. Did you miss the clear and repeated characterization, across multiple books, of her legendary might? Or are you just unable to connect the dots from that to accepting that means she’d be a bad ass?
There isn’t much written about her deeds to describe what she was capable of (although she did lead a troop over the Helacaraxe, something Tolkein described as hardship unlike any anyone else in middle earth ever overcame, and lead an assault on Dol Gildur during the war of the ring and was personally responsible for tearing down the walls). It is worth remembering though that most of the mythology of the earlier ages focus on the dumb shit the various elves did to get themselves killed. But when a character is characterized repeatedly as being mighty beyond all elves except for Feanor (and on at least one occasion Tolkein even hedged on whether Feanor was really mightier than her) I cannot comprehend not seeing how this is how she should be depicted in this show.
If you typed that out (and your previous one) from memory then I’m actually impressed. I’ll wait till I’ve seen it, cross reference and come back to you. But as a small point, how mighty an individual is not an indication that they’re a sword wielding armour clad warrior. Yes Gandalf wielded Glamdring but that wasn’t what made him powerful.
Just shit I expect a self-avowed Tolkein stan to know. It’s not exactly detail heavy stuff, just describing the general characterizations of a significant character. It definitely helps that I reread the Silmarilion about 12 months ago, but dont think I picked up anything new from it regarding her.
Not like you to throw a shit insult.
And you remember this from reading the Silmarillion a year ago? Wow, like I say, impressed.
You haven’t even taken a photo of your copy of the book. How are we supposed to take anything you say seriously?
The Doom of Mandos is the central theme of the book. Characterizing Galabriel as standing apart from the rest of her family is also the main way she is characterized.
- All of his family bows down to Feanor, in some cases almost cowering in front of him. Except for Galdriel who openly defies him
- The whole house of Finwe leaves valinor pursuing vengeance, except for Galadriel who refuses to buy into that motivation
- Galadriel is exempt from the banishment in the first place, but even when its lifted after the defeat of Melkor she stands alone in refusing the invitation to go home and instead stays in middle earth.
Me entering this thread
Who doesnt love Tolkein deep lore? Right?
Some of it is really hard to go through
Gandalf is cool and I like his horse. My wife and I can never remember its name so we just call it War Horse.
That’s my contribution to the geek club.
The spin off film about War Horse was so out of touch with Tolkein lore. Wouldve been a good film otherwise